kimroen / ember-cli-coffeescript

Adds precompilation of CoffeeScript files and all the basic generation types to the ember generate command.
MIT License
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Pod support for generators #22

Closed artsyca closed 10 years ago

artsyca commented 10 years ago

We're using ember-cli-coffescript in a workflow that makes heavy use of ember g ...

Things are working really well in that the files that are generated are very useful and the coffeescript is being generated very nicely.

However, we've run into an issue that we can't use the --pod flag as yet. So we're pulling our files into a pods file structure manually.

Is this something that can be incorporated into the coffee generators? I wish my understanding of the problem domain were greater and I could offer some assistance in this matter.

artsyca commented 10 years ago

By the way, here is the relevant PR for ember-cli-generators:

kimroen commented 10 years ago

It's totally possible, I just haven't had time to take a proper look at it yet. I will hopefully have some shortly though, and will let you know.

artsyca commented 10 years ago

I'm really new to Ember CLI, broccoli and the whole notion of ember generators but roughly speaking what's needed for this? I can tell by looking at the code that this plugin seems to call ember-cli/blueprints before outputting its own templates (in beforeInstall..)

I guess a start would be to pass-through the --pod argument to that call? But then the output would need to be retargeted from the default location in app/ to somewhere in pods.. does that sound about right?

kimroen commented 10 years ago

Hi again!

This is now available in version 0.2.0 of ember-cli-coffeescript. If you're still curious, feel free to check out the commit: 3364193cdb30a17c71f963308362d700f51b9c97

Basically, ember-cli added a new concept called fileMapTokens, the default one being __path__, which we had to make use of in the file structure for each Blueprint. Some of the blueprints required some more tokens, for the templates for instance.

Luckily, it's all well-documented over here:

Thanks again!

kimroen commented 10 years ago

(Probably easier to read the actual documentation:

artsyca commented 10 years ago

Wow, that was surprisingly fast and targeted. Updating now! :coffee: :doughnut: