kimroen / ember-cli-coffeescript

Adds precompilation of CoffeeScript files and all the basic generation types to the ember generate command.
MIT License
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Detect and warn about `app.js` and `router.js` if you also have coffee-equivalents #78

Open kimroen opened 9 years ago

kimroen commented 9 years ago

This is a common thing to run in to after updating ember-cli.

What happens is this:

You have an file, and you also have an app.js file. This can happen when you update ember-cli, for example.

broccoli-coffee tries to generate an app.js file from the file, but that file is already present, so you get an error.

What this issue is about is detecting these files (app.js and router.js) specificically and giving the user a warning, because they probably didn't mean to have both a js and cs version of them, it just happened accidentally. A specific error is better than the one you get now, which is kind of cryptic.

hoIIer commented 8 years ago


I upgraded to latest ember/ember-cli and now I'm getting this error:

Error: EEXIST, file already exists '/Users/eric/Projects/myapp/overlord/build/client-web/tmp/coffee_script_filter-output_path-XZuGEV4i.tmp/client-web/routes/application.js'

any idea what's causing it or how to resolve it? I do not have myapp/routes/application.js only the coffeescript version

kimroen commented 8 years ago

@erichonkanen Sorry for the late reply. I don't think this problem is related to this issue. Are you having problems beyond what you reported in ?