kimtore / pms

Practical Music Search is an interactive Vim-like console client for the Music Player Daemon.
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Add ability to search current list without filtering #105

Open tremby opened 6 years ago

tremby commented 6 years ago

Sometimes I want to get myself to a particular point in the list via a search without actually filtering it. As far as I can tell there's no way to do this at present.

kimtore commented 6 years ago

Seconded. Similar to, or equal to, the quick-jump (iirc) feature from 0.42. I would definitely like to see fuzzy searching in this mode, maybe even with highlights?

tremby commented 6 years ago

Just thought of something which may be useful.

Easier to implement (I think), and just as useful in a good chunk of cases: introduce a command/keybinding which

  1. Remembers the song the cursor is on
  2. Closes the current list
  3. Moves the cursor to the remembered song on whatever list we're on now

That way you enter an input query and filter with bleve (repeat as necessary), cursor down to it once filtered enough, and then press the binding to go up one level but with the same song highlighted. Keep going if there was more than one filter in place and you'll be back at the list you started searching from.

kimtore commented 6 years ago

Good idea. findIn [queue|library|named-list], or something similar?

I think these two ideas should be implemented separately, I'd like to see quick-jump too.

tremby commented 6 years ago

I was actually thinking it wouldn't take a parameter, and would just close the current list and go to the song in the previous one. It'd be like a special case of list remove.

The commands you suggest don't sound like they close the current list. But if you can think of practical use cases for them, sure, I'm not against increasing the scope.