kimtore / pms

Practical Music Search is an interactive Vim-like console client for the Music Player Daemon.
MIT License
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Resize and refresh does not re-calculate column width and height #88

Closed tremby closed 7 years ago

tremby commented 7 years ago

After resizing a (urxvt or tmux-in-iterm2) window, PMS doesn't always want to redraw the columns to fill the space, even with ^L.

It seems that changing list back and forth has the necessary effect.

I've noticed the problem more frequently on the library view (which has a lot of very long song titles).

Can you see the same behaviour?

kimtore commented 7 years ago

Yes, I can confirm this behavior. I guess two bugs should be fixed: the ^L behavior should re-calculate the column widths and window height, and resizing should do this automatically.