kinbank / kinura

Data for Kinura project
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Ingrian comments missing #6

Open SamPassmore opened 1 year ago

SamPassmore commented 1 year ago

There are some comments from Eva that have not been copied correctly.

Check the excel file that Terhi has sent Sam.

tekahon commented 1 year ago

I compared the file I sent to Eva back in 2019 to the one she sent me back and actually there were more changes than those few marked with red; those red ones were just the ones that needed to be deleted. There were more comments, more added terms and also one new category (WZH which I guess exists somewhere else too but it was not earlier in this list). She has also added the IPA codings for the terms.

The current source of Ingrian "verhovtcev__nodate" was some article written in Russian so I cannot evaluate how good a source it is, but perhaps in this case it would be easiest (and perhaps clearest) if Eva's data and Verhovtec would be both in the same file in the same way as Kunnap and Pajusalu are/were in Estonian.