kinbank / kinura

Data for Kinura project
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Name of the expert in the source UR19 #9

Closed tekahon closed 10 months ago

tekahon commented 1 year ago

In the following reference the first name of the author should be Riho instead of Rohi.

@misc{grunthalVeps1250TermsCollected2020, author = {Gr{\"u}nthal, Rohi}, title = "Veps1250 Terms Collected from an Interview with Speaker", year = "2020", month = "January", keywords = "kinbank,UR19,veps1250"

SamPassmore commented 11 months ago

I can't find this reference anywhere in this file: kinbank/raw/sources.bib

Is this an issue with Varikin data?

tekahon commented 11 months ago

It is at least in kinbank/kinbank/raw/sources.bib

in row 2404.

tekahon commented 11 months ago

And in varikin/kinbank/raw/sources.bib it is in row 2348

SamPassmore commented 10 months ago

Ok. Thanks Terhi. I was looking in kinura, since the issue was linked to the kinura dataset.

SamPassmore commented 10 months ago

I fixed this in varikin