kinde-starter-kits / python-starter-kit

Starter kit to get going with Python
MIT License
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Bug: The KINDE_CALLBACK_URL in Python Starter Kit page does not match the ones in #15

Open douglasdcm opened 2 months ago

douglasdcm commented 2 months ago


Describe the issue

I was setting up a Python application to test Kinde features following the instructions from Starter Kit page and documentation.

Starter Kit page Screenshot from 2024-04-22 23-49-43

I cloned the Start kit repository and copied the above variables to my I started the Flask server and navigated to the home page. The Sing Up feature seemed to work fine (the code was sent to my email), but after authenticate I was redirected to a Not found page.

Screenshot from 2024-04-23 00-00-54

After a couple of hours struggling to find the issue and reviewing this README I figured out that the KINDE_CALLBACK_URL provided in Starter Kit (Quick Start) page was not correct (first image). I replaced it in my and the application details in Kinde portal with the one from README (http://localhost:5000/api/auth/kinde_callback) and the Sign In started work.

Screenshot from 2024-04-23 00-04-15

The Starter Kit page and the README don't not match, so it may lead the user to confusion, specially new users like me.

Starter kit URL

Operating system(s)


Operating system version(s)

Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Further environment details

Firefox 124.0.2 (64-bit)

Reproducible test case URL

No response

Additional information

No response