kindredgroup / puppet-forge-server

Private Puppet forge server supports local files and both v1 and v3 API proxies
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Support for queries #3

Closed moix closed 9 years ago

moix commented 9 years ago

Hi, first of all congrats for the project, I really think is a requirement for some companies to have an internal repository where to keep puppet modules.

I have installed it and it is running fine, modules are served and external repositories such as forge.puppetlabs configured with proxy setting are served properly.

What I miss is a web ui to browse all the modules, similar to the one in puppet-library, or, at least, that search option of puppet module works; right now I see the end-point of modules?query is not implemented:

[rnduser@puppet-master forge]# puppet module search --module_repository puppetlabs-ntp Notice: Searching ... Error: Request to Puppet Forge failed. The server being queried was The HTTP response we received was '404 Not Found' Error: Try 'puppet help module search' for usage

Are there plans to implement those? search option and an ui interfaz?

Thanks and Regards.

i11 commented 9 years ago


Thanks a lot! Good to know we are not the only ones.

I'm not a UI guy really, but some simple interface could be brought up for sure. Could be a separate front-end project even. I will take a look at it as soon as I have some spare time.

puppet module search on the other hand I consider to be core functionality and it should definitely be implemented. I think I will able to deliver it rather soon. Thanks for the heads up!


i11 commented 9 years ago

I've created a separate issue for the web ui

i11 commented 9 years ago

Released 1.3.0.

$ puppet module search stdlib --module_repository --debug 
Notice: Searching ...
NAME                              DESCRIPTION                                                                  AUTHOR           KEYWORDS                             
puppetlabs-stdlib                 Standard library of resources for Puppet modules.                            @puppetlabs      library stdlib standard stages       
hardening-hardening_stdlib        Shared functions for hardening modules                                       @hardening       stdlib hardening                     
netdevops-netdev_stdlib           Type definitions for Networking Device (netdev) Library                      @netdevops       networking netdevops                 
juniper-netdev_stdlib_junos       Junos Provider code for Networking Device (netdev stdlib) Library            @juniper         networking juniper netdevops junos   
mellanox-netdev_ospf_stdlib       Type definitions for Networking Device (netdev) OSPF Library                 @mellanox        netdev ospf l3 area router route     
mellanox-netdev_stdlib_mlnxos     Provider definition for implementing Networking Device (netdev) Library ...  @mellanox        mlnxos switch l2 l3 vlan lag lacp    
aristanetworks-netdev_stdlib_eos  NetDev Providers for Arista EOS                                              @aristanetworks  network eos netdev arista            
trlinkin-validate_multi           Validate that the first argument given can pass validation of at least o...  @trlinkin        parser dsl validate stdlib           
puppetlabs-java                   Installs the correct Java package on various platforms.                      @puppetlabs      java stdlib runtime jdk jre          
brainsware-resources_deep_merge   provides a function deep-merges every memeber of one hash1 with hash2        @brainsware      deep-merge stdlib function           
ptomulik-ptlib                    Utility functions for puppet module developers                               @ptomulik        stdlib custom delete undefs param    
puppetlabs-activemq               Installs and configures ActiveMQ.                                            @puppetlabs      java activemq amqp stomp stdlib      
leonardothibes-util               My Standard Library for Puppet Modules                                       @leonardothibes  util stdlib library                  
moix commented 9 years ago

amazing! that's a record implementation time!

I'm checking it right now, thanks!

i11 commented 9 years ago

Closing issue. 1.4.0 has been released containing built-in web ui.

if you don't like the built-in one, checkout puppet-forge-server --help in particular --webui-root flag