kine / MSDyn365BC_AppTemplate

Template for MS Dynamics 365 Business Centrall App development with Azure DevOps pipeline
MIT License
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##[error]New-PSSession : Unable to load DLL 'vmcompute.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) #3

Closed andreasblueher closed 5 years ago

andreasblueher commented 5 years ago

Hello Kamil,

we ran into the next problem during "Prepare environment". Could you give us some more informationen on how you did setup the VM for the agent? We only edited the suggested settings within the repository.

Please see the attached log file if you're looking for some more information.

Do you have any idea/suggestions on where to look for answers? Looking for the message we found this issue and this issue. Both suggested to reinstall docker and hyper-v, but this did not solve our issue.

Thank you very much

kine commented 5 years ago

The VM is Windows 2016 +docker installed. Have you followed the steps from here; ?

twityde commented 5 years ago

Did you run the correct version of the build agent? You need to run the x64 version.

kine commented 5 years ago

I assume that running x64 version of the agent helped. Because no communication for longer period. I am closing this (even this issue is not related to the template).