Open kinesis19 opened 1 month ago
Redbrick의 API 중 하나인 .changePlayerSpeed() 메서드가 작동이 안 되는 현상이 발생됨.
다른 프로젝트에서 더블 체크해보고, API Issue가 맞으면 협업 채널로 여쭤보기.
class Enemy{ constructor(object, player, hp, dmg, dropExp){ this.object = object; this.player = player; // Enemy Health = hp; // Enemy move Vector this.moveVector = new THREE.Vector3(); // Enemy move speed this.speed = 0.02; // Define the radius for collision this.radius = 1; // Setting the radius of Enemy this.damage = dmg; this.dropExp = dropExp; } update(dt, enemyList) { const direction = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(this.player.position, this.object.position); direction.y = 0; if (direction.length() > 0.1) { direction.normalize(); this.moveVector.copy(direction).multiplyScalar(this.speed); const newPosition = this.object.position.clone().add(this.moveVector); // Check for potential collisions before moving let collision = false; for (let other of enemyList) { if (other !== this && newPosition.distanceTo(other.object.position) < (this.radius + other.radius)) { collision = true; break; } } if (!collision) { this.object.position.add(this.moveVector); } // Enemy lookAt Player, But position Y is staying current position const lookAtPosition = new THREE.Vector3(this.player.position.x, this.object.position.y, this.player.position.z); this.object.lookAt(lookAtPosition); } } dispose() { WORLD.remove(this.object); } } GLOBAL.enemyList = []; let spawnInterval = null; // Save spawn Interval ID let listenersInitialized = false; // Check listener is Initialized function Start(){ REDBRICK.Signal.addListener("CHECK_ENEMY_HIT", function(params) { for(let i = 0; i < GLOBAL.enemyList.length; i++){ const dist = GLOBAL.enemyList[i].object.position.distanceTo(params.bullet.object.position); if(dist < 5){ = 0; GLOBAL.enemyList[i].health -= GLOBAL.player.atk; } // Enemy Kill Processing if(GLOBAL.enemyList[i].health <= 0){ GLOBAL.playerKillCount = GLOBAL.playerKillCount + 1; GLOBAL.player.addExp(GLOBAL.enemyList[i].dropExp); REDBRICK.Signal.send("UPDATE_NEXT_ROUND"); GLOBAL.enemyList[i].dispose(); GLOBAL.enemyList.splice(i, 1); i--; } } }) setupSignalListeners(); // Setup Signal Listeners startEnemySpawn(); // Start Enemy spawn // spawnInterval = setInterval(() => { // if(GLOBAL.player.hp > 0){ // // Temp Debugging: Loop Respawn -> Need to changing Object pooling // spawnEnemyRandomly(); // } // }, GLOBAL.mobSpawnSpeed); } function setupSignalListeners() { if (listenersInitialized) return; REDBRICK.Signal.addListener("GAME_RESTART", () => { stopEnemySpawn(); resetPlayerState(); GLOBAL.player.changePlayerSpeed(1); startEnemySpawn(); }); listenersInitialized = true; } function startEnemySpawn() { spawnInterval = setInterval(() => { if (GLOBAL.player.hp <= 0) { stopEnemySpawn(); return; } spawnEnemyRandomly(); }, GLOBAL.mobSpawnSpeed); } function stopEnemySpawn() { if (spawnInterval) { clearInterval(spawnInterval); spawnInterval = null; } } const enemyObject = WORLD.getObject("Enemy"); function spawnEnemyRandomly() { const areas = { 'AreaA': { xRange: [PLAYER.position.x - 20, PLAYER.position.x - 30], zRange: [PLAYER.position.z - 20, PLAYER.position.z - 30], y: 2 }, 'AreaB': { xRange: [PLAYER.position.x + 20, PLAYER.position.x + 30], zRange: [PLAYER.position.z - 20, PLAYER.position.z - 30], y: 2 }, 'AreaC': { xRange: [PLAYER.position.x - 20, PLAYER.position.x - 30], zRange: [PLAYER.position.z + 20, PLAYER.position.z + 30], y: 2 }, 'AreaD': { xRange: [PLAYER.position.x + 20, PLAYER.position.x + 30], zRange: [PLAYER.position.z + 20, PLAYER.position.z + 30], y: 2 } }; // Select a random area const areaKeys = Object.keys(areas); const randomArea = areas[areaKeys[Math.floor(Math.random() * areaKeys.length)]]; // Random position within the selected area const x = Math.random() * (randomArea.xRange[1] - randomArea.xRange[0]) + randomArea.xRange[0]; const z = Math.random() * (randomArea.zRange[1] - randomArea.zRange[0]) + randomArea.zRange[0]; const y = randomArea.y; const clone = enemyObject.clone(); clone.position.set(x, y, z); WORLD.add(clone); const enemy = new Enemy(clone, PLAYER, 10, 5, 1); GLOBAL.enemyList.push(enemy); }
GLOBAL 객체 player를 참조하는 것이 아닌, PLAYER 클래스를 직접 참조하면 정상 작동 되는 것을 확인함.
Redbrick의 API 중 하나인 .changePlayerSpeed() 메서드가 작동이 안 되는 현상이 발생됨.
다른 프로젝트에서 더블 체크해보고, API Issue가 맞으면 협업 채널로 여쭤보기.
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