kinetecharts / openPerform

Check out the various styles and effects OpenPerform has to offer with our BVH animation demo!
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Revisit Camera Mouse & Keyboard Controls #33

Open lettucehead opened 5 years ago

lettucehead commented 5 years ago

Description: User confused after accidentally moved world, instead of rotating world.

Steps to Repro:

  1. Assume you're a total n00b.
  2. Scroll around with two fingers to zoom in and out.
  3. Click with one finger to rotate.
  4. Click with two fingers accidentally, translating your position relative to the world, and assume you get stuck off to the side because of the accidental two-finger-ness factor of that two-finger-drag + click.
  5. Go to the help menu to figure out how to use the camera.
  6. Find literally every option except how to move the camera.
  7. Maybe use the Camera Controls menu.
  8. Find it doesn't correct your translation accident.
  9. Realize you're a fool because it works just like all game engines, following a universal standard for interacting with 3D spaces via trackpad.
  10. Wish it were in the Help Menu.

Here's what I want to see in the OpenPerform For Dummies Manual: Two Finger Drag | Rotate world space One Finger Click + Drag | Rotate world space Two Finger Click + Drag | Translate world space

Here are some screenshots: image image

OS info extraneous.

jerknose commented 5 years ago

@lettucehead, I like the title, but I need something more descriptive please.

Also, please use this template when reporting issues ;)

lettucehead commented 5 years ago

I think I figured it out!

Two finger click + drag works as expected, but two finger drag zooms in and out. I must have brushed the trackpad. It would be useful to include these camera-related functions in the (?)/ESC menu of "shortcuts" (really, instructions).

Editing issue

jerknose commented 5 years ago

@lettucehead Might not exactly be a bug...

This will take some time to work through what the available options are and discuss what we want to allow, and what we want to explain.

To see what is standard check out the orbit controls example:

We could use other control schemes, but will have to redo the camera rotate around performer function.

Let's talk about it at our next meeting.