kinfey / AMapMAUIControls

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Binding Mac libraries #5

Open 420tech opened 1 year ago

420tech commented 1 year ago

I saw your talk at .NET Conf. How do you bind Mac libraries? We have a C/C++ library for Mac (custom hardware controller) that we want to consume in a Maui Blazor app. How do I make the bindings so that Maui Blazor can consume?

realst3v3 commented 1 year ago

I also have problems binding iOS native libs to .NET MAUI. I want to bind a part of VisionKit, so we wrote an ObjectiveC Wrapper also using ObjectiveSharpie generating ApiDefinitions.cs and EnumsAndStructs.cs. Everything works fine to the point where I want to use the iOS binding project directive from .NET MAUI App. The namespace/directive will not be found.

I have the same problem, when I want to test your code "AMapMAUIControls/samples/iOS.Bindings/AMap.iOS.Demo/"

The directives "using iOS.AMap._3D;" and "using iOS.AMap.Foundation;" will not be found in AppDelegate.cs from AMap.iOS project.

Can you help me in this case, please?