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WSL Ubuntu2004,Vim Cannot enter uppercase letters #1346

Open Hankyin opened 2 years ago

Hankyin commented 2 years ago

I use windterm connect to my computer‘s WSL Ubuntu2004. But when I try to use vim to edit a file, I was surprised to find that I could not input capital letters ! I only can not input "A " to ""Z" in vim , but "a" to "z" and punctuation is ok. in the bash, everything is fine in the nano text editer, everything is fine

later I use windterm ssh to a true linux machine and open vim , everything is fine

How to handle this?😂

funkpopo commented 2 years ago


Hankyin commented 2 years ago

测试修改字符集似乎没有用处。 似乎这个跟电脑有关系,我重新下载了wsl的ubuntu2204,一样的问题。 但是我更换了另一台笔记本,一切正常,没有这么奇怪的问题

Testing to modify character sets does not seem useful. It seems that this has something to do with computers. I downloaded the ubuntu2204 wsl again. It has the same problem. But I replaced another laptop, everything was normal, there was no such strange problem

Hankyin commented 2 years ago

I use the neovim, everything is fine. just the vim is strange

wulfgar93 commented 1 year ago

I've faced the same problem on Ubuntu 22.04 wsl