kingaa / pomp

R package for statistical inference using partially observed Markov processes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Conditional likelihood goes to 0 #118

Closed fomotis closed 4 years ago

fomotis commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your help on the deterministic model once again, but it appears I still need help concerning my model. I am trying to do particle filtering on the model below. I made some changes to include Euler multinomial distribution instead of the chained Binomial model after going through your work on Measles. The conditional likelihood goes to 0 very fast, and I am unable to get the standard error for the Monte-Carlo estimate for the loglikelihood. I get the value NA with a warning message "In max(x) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf" . I initially thought it has to do with my rSim function, but I still arrive at the same problem after changing it to the new model below.

rSim <- Csnippet("
  double lambda;
  double rate[6], trans[6];

 //transmission rate
  double beta1 = R0 * g1; //transmission rate for asymptomatic
  double beta2 = R0 * g2; //transmission rate for mild

  // expected force of infection (iota is the imported infection)
  //lambda = (beta1 * pow(Ia + Ip + iota, alpha) + beta2 * Im) / N;
  lambda = ((beta1*(Ia + Ip)) + beta2*Im)/ N;

  double dN_SE = rbinom(S, 1 - exp(-lambda*dt));         //movement form S to E

  double dN_EIp = rbinom(E, 1 - exp(-k*dt));          //movement from E to Ip

  rate[0] = tau1;
  rate[1] = tau2;
  reulermultinom(2, Ip, &rate[0], dt, &trans[0]);
  double dN_IpIa = trans[0];  //rate of developing mild infection 
  double dN_IpIm = trans[1];  //rate of aymptomatic infection

  double dN_IaR = rbinom(Ia, 1 - exp(-g1*dt)); //rate of recovery form aymptomatic infection

  rate[2] = g1;
  rate[3] = delta;
  reulermultinom(2, Im, &rate[2], dt, &trans[2]);
  double dN_ImR = trans[2]; //rate of recovery form mild infection
  double dN_ImIC = trans[3]; //rate of developing severe symptoms

  rate[4] = g2;
  rate[5] = phi;
  reulermultinom(2, IC, &rate[4], dt, &trans[4]);
  double dN_ICR = trans[4];  //rate of recovery at isolation centers
  double dN_ICD = trans[5]; //rate of deaths at isolation centers

  // Balance the equations
  S -=  dN_SE;
  E += dN_SE - dN_EIp;
  Ip += dN_EIp - dN_IpIa - dN_IpIm;
  Ia += dN_IpIa - dN_IaR;
  Im += dN_IpIm - dN_ImIC - dN_ImR;
  IC += dN_ImIC - dN_ICR - dN_ICD;
  R += dN_IaR + dN_ImR + dN_ICR;
  D += dN_ICD;

  H += dN_IaR + dN_ImR + dN_ICR + dN_ICD; //true incidence
  I += dN_EIp + dN_IpIa + dN_IpIm + dN_ImIC;      //total infected

  //Rprintf(\"%lg %lg %lg %lg %lg \\n\",lambda, dN_SE, H, E, Ip);

  N_SE += dN_SE;
  N_EIp += dN_EIp;     //number transition from E to Ip
  N_IpIa += dN_IpIa;   //number transition from Ip to Ia
  N_IpIm += dN_IpIm;  //number transition from Ip to Im
  N_IaR += dN_IaR;    //number transition from Ia to R
  N_ImIC += dN_ImIC;  // number of transition from Im to IC
  N_ImR += dN_ImR;   //number of transitions from I to R
  N_ICR += dN_ICR;   // number of transitions from IC to R
  N_ICD += dN_ICD; //number of transitions from IC to D


#initial values simulator
rInit <- Csnippet("

  double m = N /(S_0 + E_0 + Ip_0 + Ia_0 + Im_0 + IC_0 + R_0 + D_0);
  S = nearbyint(m*S_0);
  E = nearbyint(m*E_0);
  Ip = nearbyint(m*Ip_0);
  Ia = nearbyint(m*Ia_0);
  Im = nearbyint(m*Im_0);
  IC = nearbyint(m*IC_0);
  R = nearbyint(m*R_0);
  D = nearbyint(m*D_0);

  H = 0;
  I = 0;
  N_SE = 0;
  N_EIp = 0;
  N_IpIa = 0;
  N_IpIm = 0;
  N_IaR = 0;
  N_ImIC = 0;
  N_ImR = 0;
  N_ICR = 0;
  N_ICD = 0;


#random generator of the measurement process
rmeas <- Csnippet("
if (tetha > 0.0) {
    Cases = rnbinom_mu(1.0/tetha, H);
} else {
    Cases = rpois(H);

rmeas2 <- Csnippet("
if (tetha > 0.0) {
    Cases = rnbinom_mu(1.0/tetha, I);
} else {
    Cases = rpois(I);

## density of the measurement process
dmeas <- Csnippet("
double f;
if(ISNA(Cases)) {

    lik = (give_log) ? 0 : 1;

} else {

  if (tetha > 0.0) {
    f = dnbinom_mu(Cases, 1.0/tetha, H, give_log);
  } else {
    f = dpois(Cases, H, give_log);

  lik = (give_log) ? f : exp(f);
  Rprintf(\"%lg %lg %lg \\n\",f, H, Cases);

#for the deterministic skeleton
dmeas2 <- Csnippet("

double f;
if(ISNA(Cases)) {

    lik = (give_log) ? 0 : 1;

} else {

  if (tetha > 0.0) {
    f = dnbinom_mu(nearbyint(Cases), 1.0/tetha, I, give_log);
  } else {
    f = dpois(nearbyint(Cases), I, give_log);

  lik = (give_log) ? f : exp(f);
  Rprintf(\"%lg %lg \\n\",f, I);

#Deterministic skeleton
skel <- Csnippet("

  double lambda;

  // transmission rate
  double beta1 = R0 * g1; //transmission rate for asymptomatic
  double beta2 = R0 * g2; //transmission rate for mild

  // expected force of infection (iota is the imported infection)
  //lambda = (beta1 * pow(Ia + Ip + iota, alpha) + beta2 * Im) / N;
  lambda = ((beta1*(Ia + Ip)) + beta2*Im)/ 20000000;

     //suceptible class
    DS = -lambda * S;

    //exposed class
    DE = (lambda * S)  - (k  * E);

    //presymptomatic infectious class
    DIp = (k * E) - (tau1 * Ip + tau2 * Ip);

    //asymptomatic infection class
    DIa = (tau1 * Ip) - (g1 * Ia);

    //mild infection class
    DIm = (tau2 * Im) - (g1*Im + delta*Im);

    //isolation center
    DIC = (delta*Im) - (g2*IC + phi*IC);

    DR = (g1*Ia) + (g1*Im) + (g2*IC);

    DD = phi*IC;

    //true incidence
    DH = g1*Ia + g1*Im + g2*IC + (phi*IC);
    DI = (k * E) + (tau1*Ip) + (tau2 * Ip);
    DN_SE = lambda * S;
    DN_EIp = k * E;
    DN_IpIa = tau1 * Ip;
    DN_IpIm = tau2 * Ip;
    DN_IaR = g1 * Ia;
    DN_ImIC = delta*Im;
    DN_ImR = g1*Im;
    DN_ICR = g2*IC;
    DN_ICD = phi*IC;


### pomp formulation
# Population size
N <- 20000000
covid_model <- function(state = unique(naija_covid_data2$State)[1:37], 
                        covid_data = naija_covid_data2, 
                        timestep = 1/24, pop = N, type = c("I", "H")) {

  state <- match.arg(state)
  type = match.arg(type)
  dt <- timestep
  globs <- paste0("static int N = ", pop, ";")

  state_covid_data <- covid_data %>% 
    filter(State == state) %>%
    mutate(Cases = as.numeric(Cases), 
           Deaths = as.numeric(Deaths), 
           Recovered = as.numeric(Recovered), 
           Date = as.Date(Date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")) %>%
    #filter(! %>% 
    mutate(dt = c(0, diff(Date)), 
           Day = cumsum(c(1, diff(Date)))

  state_covid_data %>% 
    dplyr::select(Day, Cases) %>%
      times = "Day",
      t0 = 0,
      obsnames = c("Cases"),
      globals = globs,
      rprocess = euler(rSim, delta.t = dt),
      rinit = rInit,
      rmeasure = if(type == "H") rmeas else rmeas2,
      dmeasure = if(type == "H") dmeas else dmeas2,
      skeleton = vectorfield(skel),
      accumvars = c("H", "I","N_SE", "N_EIp", "N_IpIa", "N_IpIm", 
                    "N_IaR", "N_ImIC", "N_ImR", "N_ICR", "N_ICD"),
      statenames = c("S", "E", "Ip", "Ia", "Im", "IC", "R", "D", 
                     "H", "I","N_SE", "N_EIp", "N_IpIa", "N_IpIm", 
                     "N_IaR", "N_ImIC", "N_ImR", "N_ICR", "N_ICD"),
      paramnames = c("R0", "k", "tau1", "tau2", "delta", 
                     "g1", "g2", "phi", "tetha", "S_0", "E_0",
                     "Ip_0", "Im_0", "Ia_0",
                     "IC_0", "R_0", "D_0"
      partrans = parameter_trans(
        log = c("R0", "k", "g1", "g2", "tau1", "tau2", "delta", "phi", "tetha"), 
        baycentric = c("S_0", "E_0", "Ip_0", "Im_0", "Ia_0"
                       , "IC_0", "R_0", "D_0"
    ) -> dis_model


# parameter estimation
#death rate function
drates <- function(X_death, Time_death, mu) {

  (1 - mu*Time_death) * (X_death / Time_death)


# # recovery rate function
recrates <- function(X_death, Time_rec, mu) {

  (1 - mu*Time_rec) * (1 - X_death) / Time_rec


cfr <- 0.028
T_death <- 7 #time to death in ic
T_ic_rec <- 10 #time to recover in ic
T_as_rec <- 3.5 #time to recover aymptotic
T_md_rec <- 3.5 #time to recover mild
T_mic <- 1.5 #time before develop developing severe infection

g1 <- recrates(cfr, T_as_rec, 0)
#g2 <- recrates(cfr, T_md_rec, 0)
g2 <- recrates(cfr, T_as_rec, 0)
g3 <- recrates(cfr, T_ic_rec, 0)
#sigma <- recrates(cfr, T_q, mu_Nig)
phi <- drates(cfr, T_death, 0)

params <- c(R0 = 1.75,     #basic reproduction number (to estimate)
            k = 1/3,       #latency period (to estimate)
            tau1 = 1/3.5,   #rate of developing aymptomatic infection (to estimate)
            tau2 = 1/3.5,      #rate of developing aymptomatic infection (to estimate)
            delta = 1/2,     #rate of developing severe infection (estimate)
            g1 = 1/7,      #rate of recovery for asymptomatic infections (4.5 days) (to estimate)
            g2 = 1/10,      #recovery rate in isolation centers (fix)
            phi = 1/7,   #death rate in isolation centers (fix)
            tetha = 0.0,    #overdispersion parameter (to estimate)
            E_0 = 8,
            Ip_0 = 0,
            Ia_0 = 1,
            Im_0 = 0,
            IC_0 = 0,
            R_0 = 0,
            D_0 = 0,
            S_0 = N - 11


Lagos_covid_model <- covid_model(state = "Lagos", 
                                 covid_data = naija_covid_data2, 
                                 timestep = 1/24,
                                 type = "H"

#####test particle filter
Lagos_covid_model %>% pfilter(Np = 100, params = params) -> pf_lagos
pf_lagos %>% logLik() %>% logmeanexp(se = TRUE)
kingaa commented 4 years ago

See comments on Issue #116.