I tried to fit the sir model via pomp package and I got this error
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
cases=rbinom(I,exp(rho)/(1+exp(rho)));//represent the data
lik=dbinom(cases,I,exp(rho)/(1+exp(rho)),give_log); //return the loglikelihood
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
double rate[2];
double dN[2];
rate[0]=exp(beta)*I; //Infection rate
rate[1]=exp(mu); //recovery rate
reulermultinom(1,S,&rate[0],dt,&dN[0]); //generate the number of newly infected people
reulermultinom(1,I,&rate[1],dt,&dN[1]); //generate the number of newly recovered people
if(!R_FINITE(S)) Rprintf(\"%lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg\\n\",dN[0],rate[0],dN[1],rate[1],beta,mu,S,I,R);
S+=-dN[0]; //update the number of Susceptible
I+=dN[0]-dN[1]; //update the number of Infection
R+=dN[1]; //update the number of Recovery
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
sir <- pomp(
data = data.frame(cases = data, time = seq(1, 106, by = 7)), #"cases" is the dataset, "time" is the observation time
times = "time",
t0 = 1, #initial time point
dmeasure = Csnippet(dmeas),
rmeasure = Csnippet(rmeas), #return the likelihood
rprocess = euler(step.fun = Csnippet(sir.step), delta.t = 1/12), #delta.t is here
statenames = c("S", "I", "R"), #state space variable name
paramnames = c("beta", "mu", "rho", "theta1", "theta2"), #parameters name
initializer = function(params, t0, ...) {
ps <-exp(params["theta1"]) / (1 + exp(params["theta1"]) + exp(params["theta2"])) # initial prob of susceptible
pi <- 1 / (1 + exp(params["theta1"]) + exp(params["theta2"])) # initial prob of infection
pr <-exp(params["theta2"]) / (1 + exp(params["theta1"]) + exp(params["theta2"])) # initial prob of recovery
1, 750, prob = c(ps, pi, 1 - ps - pi)
)), c("S", "I", "R")))
params = c( #for data generation(We didn't generate data here, but pomp need this part.)
beta = -5,
mu = -2,
rho = 0,
theta1 = 6,
theta2 = 1
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
sir.dprior <- function(params, ..., log) {
f <- dgamma(exp(params[1]), shape = 0.3, rate = 1000, log = TRUE) + params[1] + # log prior for log(infection rate) "beta"
dgamma(exp(params[2]), shape = 1, rate = 8, log = TRUE) + params[2] + # log prior for log(recovery rate) "mu"
dbeta(exp(params[3]) / (1 + exp(params[3])), 2, 7, log = TRUE) +
params[3] - log((1 + exp(params[3])) ^ 2) + #log prior for logit(sampling probablity) "rho"
log(ddirichlet(c(exp(params[4]) / (1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5])),
1 / (1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5])),
exp(params[5]) / (1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5]))), c(90, 2, 5))) +
params[4] + params[5] - 3 * log(1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5])) #log prior for logit(initial value)
if (log) {
} else{
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
param.initial <- c(
beta = log(rnorm(1, 0.00035, 1e-5)),
mu = log(rnorm(1, 1/7, 1e-2)),
rho = -1,
theta1 = 4,
theta2 = 1
## ----echo=T,eval=T,warning=F---------------------------------------------
pmcmc1 <- pmcmc(
pomp(sir, dprior = sir.dprior),
#given the prior function
start = param.initial,
#given the initial value of the parameters
Nmcmc = 10,
#number of mcmc steps
Np = 100,
max.fail = Inf,
proposal = mvn.rw.adaptive(0.1 * c(
beta = 0.2,
#sampling variance for beta
mu = 0.2,
#sampling variance for mu
rho = 0.3,
#sampling variance for rho
theta1 = 0.2,
#sampling variance for theta1
theta2 = 0.5 #sampling variance for theta2
scale.start = 100,
shape.start = 100)
## ----echo=T,eval=T,warning=F---------------------------------------------
start_time <- Sys.time(); #calculation of time
pmcmc1 <- pmcmc(
#given the prior function
start = param.initial,
#given the initial value of the parameters
Nmcmc = 10,
max.fail = Inf,
proposal = mvn.rw(covmat(pmcmc1))
end_time <- Sys.time(); #calculation of time
run_time <- difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "hours") #calculation of time
pomp_results <- list(time = run_time, results = pmcmc1)
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
cases=rbinom(I,exp(rho)/(1+exp(rho)));//represent the data
lik=dbinom(cases,I,exp(rho)/(1+exp(rho)),give_log); //return the loglikelihood
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
# define the rate function, stoichiometry matrix, and rate-event dependency matrix
SIR_stoich <- cbind(infection = c(-1, 1, 0), # infections yield S-1, I+1
recovery = c(0, -1, 1)) # recoveries yield I-1, R+1
SIR_depmat <- cbind(infection = c(1, 1, 0), # infectivity rate updated by changes to S and I
recovery = c(0, 1, 0)) # recovery rate updated by changes to I
# SIR rate function
# j the number of the elementary event (1 = infection, 2 = recovery)
# x named numeric vector with the value of the state of the process at time t
# t time
# params named numeric vector containing the parameters
# returns single numerical value with the rate of the elementary event
SIR_rates <- function(j, x, t, params, ...) {
exp(params["beta"]) * x["S"] * x["I"], # infection
exp(params["mu"]) * x["I"] # recovery
# instatiate the gillespie stepper function
SIR_sim <- gillespie.sim(rate.fun = SIR_rates,
v = SIR_stoich,
d = SIR_depmat)
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
sir <- pomp(
data = data.frame(time = seq(1, 106, by = 7), cases = data), #"cases" is the dataset, "time" is the observation time
times = "time",
t0 = 1, # initial time point
dmeasure = Csnippet(dmeas), # evaluates the density of the measurement process
rmeasure = Csnippet(rmeas), # simulates from the measurement process
rprocess = SIR_sim, # simulates from the latent process
statenames = c("S", "I", "R"), #state space variable name
paramnames = c("beta", "mu", "rho", "theta1", "theta2"), #parameters name
initializer = function(params, t0, ...) {
ps <-exp(params["theta1"]) / (1 + exp(params["theta1"]) + exp(params["theta2"])) # initial prob of susceptible
pi <- 1 / (1 + exp(params["theta1"]) + exp(params["theta2"])) # initial prob of infection
pr <-exp(params["theta2"]) / (1 + exp(params["theta1"]) + exp(params["theta2"])) # initial prob of recovery
return(setNames(as.numeric(rmultinom(1, 750, prob = c(ps, pi, 1 - ps - pi))), c("S", "I", "R")))
params = c( #for data generation(We didn't generate data here, but pomp need this part.)
beta = -5,
mu = -2,
rho = 0,
theta1 = 6,
theta2 = 1
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
sir.dprior <- function(params, ..., log) {
f <- dgamma(exp(params[1]), shape = 0.3, rate = 1000, log = TRUE) + params[1] + # log prior for log(infection rate) "beta"
dgamma(exp(params[2]), shape = 1, rate = 8, log = TRUE) + params[2] + # log prior for log(recovery rate) "mu"
dbeta(exp(params[3]) / (1 + exp(params[3])), 2, 7, log = TRUE) +
params[3] - log((1 + exp(params[3])) ^ 2) + #log prior for logit(sampling probablity) "rho"
log(ddirichlet(c(exp(params[4]) / (1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5])),
1 / (1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5])),
exp(params[5]) / (1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5]))), c(90, 2, 5))) +
params[4] + params[5] - 3 * log(1 + exp(params[4]) + exp(params[5])) #log prior for logit(initial value)
if (log) {
} else{
## ----echo=T,eval=T-------------------------------------------------------
param.initial <- c(
beta = log(rnorm(1, 0.00035, 1e-5)),
mu = log(rnorm(1, 1/7, 1e-2)),
rho = -1,
theta1 = 4,
theta2 = 1
## ----echo=T,eval=T,warning=F---------------------------------------------
pmcmc1 <- pmcmc(
pomp(sir, dprior = sir.dprior),
#given the prior function
start = param.initial,
#given the initial value of the parameters
Nmcmc = 10,
#number of mcmc steps
Np = 200,
max.fail = Inf,
proposal = mvn.rw.adaptive(0.1 * c(
beta = 0.2,
#sampling variance for beta
mu = 0.2,
#sampling variance for mu
rho = 0.3,
#sampling variance for rho
theta1 = 0.2,
#sampling variance for theta1
theta2 = 0.5 #sampling variance for theta2
scale.start = 100,
shape.start = 100)
## ----echo=T,eval=T,warning=F---------------------------------------------
start_time <- Sys.time(); #calculation of time
pmcmc1 <- pmcmc(
#given the prior function
start = param.initial,
#given the initial value of the parameters
Nmcmc = 10,
max.fail = Inf,
proposal = mvn.rw(covmat(pmcmc1))
end_time <- Sys.time(); #calculation of time
run_time <- difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "hours") #calculation of time
pomp_results <- list(time = run_time, results = pmcmc1)
the error comes as
in ‘pomp’: the unrecognized arguments ‘start’,‘max.fail’ are available for use by the POMP basic components.
Error: in ‘pmcmc’: in ‘pfilter’: in ‘rprocess’: variable 'S' not found among the state variables.
In addition: Warning message:
in default 'rinit': there are no parameters with suffix '.0' or '_0'. See '?rinit_spec'.
I tried to fit the sir model via pomp package and I got this error
the error comes as