kingcoyote / twilight

Twilight Struggle game tracker
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Add filters to show cards that modify game stats directly #12

Closed kingcoyote closed 2 years ago

kingcoyote commented 3 years ago

These filters could be things like:

  1. Modifies VP directly (like Kitchen Debates, Arms Race or OPEC)
  2. Modifies DEFCON directly (like SALT Negotiations, How I Learned to Stop Worrying... or Duck and Cover)
  3. Modifies Space Race directly (like Captured Nazi Scientist or One Small Step)
  4. Modifies MilOps directly (like Arab-Israeli War or Korean War)

These filters could be enabled through a dropdown menu to hide all cards that don't meet these filters, allowing a player to review what cards could, for instance, give their opponent MilOps without a coup (if DEFCON is 2 and no non-BGs contain opponent influence).