kingflurkel / sponnietube

experiment / ethereum ipfs youtube
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get ipfs to work in javascript #1

Open kingflurkel opened 8 years ago

kingflurkel commented 8 years ago

Uploading and streaming. Uploading:

kingflurkel commented 8 years ago

im afraid we'll have to wait on progress on js-ipfs. @diasdavid is working on that, I saw a new branch with "add" functionality.

daviddias commented 8 years ago

Hey @kingflurkel! You are looking for adding files from a browser tab and make them available through a browser node?

jsipfs add is on the works (working), right now I'm working to get go-ipfs and js-ipfs nodes to talk with each other through libp2p swarm, then it will be bitswap and we will be able to exchange blocks between browser and go-ipfs nodes :):) so close!!

kingflurkel commented 8 years ago

@diasdavid what can we do to help? @sponnet

sponnet commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I can look into issues if they can help in the proceedings here..

daviddias commented 8 years ago

Awesome! Please read my last 'Captain.log' entry, it has some directions on where your help can be most valuable right now :)


I'm available to clarify any details :) :)