kingslay / KSPlayer

A video player for iOS、macOS、tvOS、visionOS , based on AVPlayer and FFmpeg, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sound problems on 7.1 tracks #716

Open Hayastano opened 6 months ago

Hayastano commented 6 months ago

Voices are not heard on 7.1 tracks when we're in stereo, if we're equipped (soundbar or home cinema) it works, I've tried on Tracy Player the 4 audio modes and only AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer works, I'm on TvOS latest version 17.2, I've tried beta 17.3 same problem, I use the sound of my TV only and some big movies of good quality have only 7.1 tracks, before it worked correctly with AudioUnit (this is what is used by applications such as LillyPlayer or Snappier)

Hayastano commented 6 months ago

After several tests conducted jointly with active members here like @cdguy or @jeremTM93, I managed to have a track to the problem, by choosing PCM on the audio settings of the HDMI input I manage to have the voices on tracks 7.1 that I didn't have in Bitstream, I tested the behavior with MPV and on MPV I have the voices without touching the settings of my TV whether in Bitsream or PCM I have the voices, it seems to me that with KS I had the voices before without touching anything even in Bitstream. By setting the PCM parameters on my TV, I lose Dolby Atmos on SVODs like Apple TV+, which is a pity. MPV manages to work when the TV is in Bitsream and I have a vague recollection that KS could also do it.

kingslay commented 6 months ago

你的电视的音响是双声道的吧。这个问题比较曲解 之前确实是不会有问题的。

  1. 一开始我是根据tvOS返回的声道数来判断是否支持多声道。 2.后来有人提了跟你一样的问题 排查了下是因为系统的返回的声道数有问题 不是返回2。 所以争对这个问题我提供了一个解决方案: 在tvOS的设置 把音频设置为双声道就可以解决这个问题了。
  2. 后来有人说 mpv不需要对tvOS进行设置音频。 然后我去看了mpv的代码。发现他们还会额外判断下音频设备的声道数。所以我就采用了mpv的这个方案。我之前应该是有用到了这个版本的代码 所以不会有问题。
  3. 在后来又有人反馈在多声道设备上 播放了双声道的电影之后 然后在播放多声道的电影。多声道的电影播放出来是双声道的效果。 然后我看了下是因为多声道音频设备返回的声道数为2。所以我就去除了 音频设备的声道数判断了。只保留了系统的声道数判断。 回到了最开始的方案。

所以总结下。如果你要解决这个问题的话 有一个临时解决方案就是改下 tvOS的音频设置。

Hayastano commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your feedback, indeed with your solution it works and I now have the voices correctly on the 7.1 sound tracks, the setting via TvOS is more convenient than the one on my TV to make the change from Bitstream to PCM, and it works the same way and this way I get the same result ie I find the voices but lose the "Dolby atmos" of my TV for SVOD, do you think there is something to do on your side? Thanks to you I now have a temporary solution, but it would be nice to fix the problem, of course if you think it's possible to fix it, even if it's not the priority, but it would be nice to have something like MPV working in the future without the constraint for those with home cinema systems of being stuck in 2.0, because few people will think of changing the audio settings on the tv or Apple TV just for 7.1 tracks.

In the meantime, I'd like to thank you very much for all your hard work. Your player is really great, and I'm enjoying its evolution more and more every day.