kingslay / KSPlayer

A video player for iOS、macOS、tvOS、visionOS , based on AVPlayer and FFmpeg, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How can I write a UDP connection in Swiftui #733

Closed uguraltinsoy closed 4 months ago

uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

Since I don't know how to use swiftui, I am writing in this way, but I couldn't run it, can I watch UDP live broadcast and how should I use swiftui?

import SwiftUI
import KSPlayer

struct ContentView: View {
    let playerCoordinator = KSVideoPlayer.Coordinator()
    let options: KSOptions = {
        var option = KSOptions()

        return option

    var body: some View {
        VStack {            
            KSVideoPlayer(coordinator: playerCoordinator, url: URL(string: "udp://@")!, options: options)
                .frame(width: 300, height: 200)            
kingslay commented 4 months ago


uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

The code I broadcast and the code I test the broadcast are as follows, but the application stays like this

Brodcast WebCam :

ffmpeg -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i "0" -pixel_format uyvy422 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune zerolatency -f mpegts "udp://"

Test Live Video

ffplay -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -probesize 32 -analyzeduration 1 -strict experimental -framedrop -f mpegts -vf setpts=0 udp://
import SwiftUI
import KSPlayer

struct ContentView: View {
    // udp://@

    let options: KSOptions = {
        var option = KSOptions()
        option.isAutoPlay = true
        option.cache = false
        option.probesize = 32
        return option

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            KSVideoPlayerView(url: URL(string: "udp://")!, options: options)
Ekran Resmi 2024-02-15 13 31 33
kingslay commented 4 months ago


uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

I'm not that good at Swift, your demo project seemed very confused to me, I tried to do as much as I could understand. I don't know how I can test with your demo project

kingslay commented 4 months ago


uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

The application in TestFlight is connecting, there is a lot of delay but it works

kingslay commented 4 months ago

如果我的demo是可以的,那就是你写的代码,有些地方的配置有问题了。你可以先自己排查下,如果还是找不到的原因的话,那我可以提供需要收费的技术支持服务。详细价格可以参考这个项目的Sponsor tiers。

uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

Paid support because I can't use the library you wrote? Could your library be giving an "unsupported URL" error?

warning KSPlayer: KSPlayerLayer.swift:423 finish(player:error:) | Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1002 "unsupported URL" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=unsupported URL, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000cbe670 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-1002 "(null)"}}

Ekran Resmi 2024-02-15 14 51 38
uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

How can I contact you privately? I got a Monthly Sponsorship and I only have 1 problem

kingslay commented 4 months ago

Paid support because I can't use the library you wrote? Could your library be giving an "unsupported URL" error?

warning KSPlayer: KSPlayerLayer.swift:423 finish(player:error:) | Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1002 "unsupported URL" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=unsupported URL, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000cbe670 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-1002 "(null)"}}

Ekran Resmi 2024-02-15 14 51 38

我看了你的日志。你需要加一行代码 KSOptions.secondPlayerType = KSMEPlayer.self

uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

Yes it worked thanks. I solved the latency problem in FFPLay in this way, do you have any suggestions for this? there is a lot of latency now. I added similar ones to Options but it was not enough

let options: KSOptions = {
        var option = KSOptions()
        option.isAutoPlay = true
        option.cache = false
        option.probesize = 32
        return option
ffplay -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -probesize 32 -analyzeduration 1 -strict experimental -framedrop -f mpegts -vf setpts=0 udp://


mpv udp:// --no-cache --untimed --no-demuxer-thread --vd-lavc-threads=1
kingslay commented 4 months ago
option.codecLowDelay  = true
options.probesize = 32
options.maxAnalyzeDuration = 1
uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

Is it normal that there is so much difference? Isn't this much delay too much when running on localhost? FFPlay delay 10ms KSPlayer 17.75s

private let options: KSOptions = {
        var options = KSOptions()
        options.isAutoPlay = true
        options.codecLowDelay  = true
        options.probesize = 32
        options.maxAnalyzeDuration = 1
        return options
Ekran Resmi 2024-02-15 16 16 21 Ekran Resmi 2024-02-15 16 15 17
kingslay commented 4 months ago

在加一下 options.formatContextOptions["fflags"] = ["nobuffer"]

uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

Do you have any other ideas? 10 seconds doesn't seem normal in general.

Ekran Resmi 2024-02-15 17 21 22
kingslay commented 4 months ago
            options.preferredForwardBufferDuration = 0.02
option.codecLowDelay  = true
options.probesize = 32
options.maxAnalyzeDuration = 1
options.formatContextOptions["fflags"] = ["nobuffer"]
uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately it doesn't work, there is still a serious delay like 10s.

kingslay commented 4 months ago


uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

from phone hotspot to mac via wifi from real device to mac dropped to 3-4s. is it possible to reduce it even more?

uguraltinsoy commented 4 months ago

I solved the smoothness problem by downgrading the ffmpeg stream packet, but this error still occurs

ffmpeg -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i "2" -pixel_format uyvy422 -vf hflip -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -vf "hflip,crop=in_w/1. 33333:in_h, scale=960:720" -f mpegts "udp://"

I get this error and the stream freezes, do you have any advice for this? "error KSPlayer: MEPlayerItem.swift:131 MEPlayerItem | hardware accelerator failed to decode picture"

Ekran Resmi 2024-02-16 23 54 30
kingslay commented 4 months ago
