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Test 300 is failing on command line #306

Open atiti opened 11 years ago

atiti commented 11 years ago

make test300-test ../../../../Makefile.defs:82: Guessing a value for ASTGEN: astgen-1.0.0.macosx ../../../../Makefile.defs:103: Guessing a value for ASTFILELIST: astfilelist-1.0.0.macosx ../../../../Makefile.defs:138: Guessing a value for SIMPLIFY: Simplify-1.5.5.macosx env CLASSPATH=. ./rtest test300 || diff -w test300/out test300/ans . test300 Failed 136,138d135 < Warning: Possible division by zero (ZeroDiv) < //@ invariant f/f == f/f; // divZero warning, spurious null(this) wa ... < ^ 147a145,147 Warning: Possible division by zero (ZeroDiv) //@ invariant f/f == f/f; // divZero warning, spurious null(this) wa ... ^ 151,155c151,152 < Warning: Possible null dereference (Null) < //@ invariant this.f>=88; < ^ < Warning: Possible division by zero (ZeroDiv)

< //@ invariant f/f == f/f; // divZero warning, spurious null(this) wa ... Warning: Possible null dereference (Null) //@ invariant a.length>0; // null(a) warning, no spurious null(this) ... 159a157,159 Warning: Possible division by zero (ZeroDiv) //@ invariant f/f == f/f; // divZero warning, spurious null(this) wa ... ^ make: *\ [test300-test] Error 1

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: g_karab (GH: None) Date: Wed Jan 23 00:12:51 2008

I am aware of this - if you display the GC program you will see that the only difference is in the label locations - i.e. where one says f.11.12 the other says f.10.12. The numbers I use are just arbitrary. I am out of town to easily provide you with the correct values.

Now I am not sure why there is this discrepancy but I will try to see if I can dig up once I get back in town (1st of Feb). I am also changing the priority to minor considering (IMHO) this is not major.

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: g_karab (GH: None) Date: Fri Feb 1 01:53:10 2008

The tests were failing while running the tests from command line because they were using different specifications files - in particular they were using the ones under /ESCJava2/specs-original while if no -specs argument is specified (which is how I always I run ESCJ from command line) the default specs are /ESCJava2/specs.

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Mon Jun 30 11:36:23 2008

Milestone ESCJava2.0b5 release deleted