Reply to: Dermot Cochran
This seems to fit with Gary's suggestion that we should parse-and-
ignore any JML keywords which ESC/Java2 does not recognize
Begin forwarded message:
From: Luís Caires
Date: February 12, 2008 6:23:59 PM GMT+00:00
To: Mikoláš Janota
Cc: Dermot Cochran, Joseph Kiniry, Radu Grigore, Joao Costa
Subject: Re: A question on JML - ESC/Java2
Dear Mikolas, Joseph,
Thanks, I know that the crash is inside Simplify :)
My guess is that esc/java is generating garbage for it.
To find the error, you should be able to fully understand what
is going on in the VC generator. I guess first-order logic has nothing
to do with the crash, trust me ;) Anyway, thanks. If you accept some
suggestion: I think that you should rewrite the back-end of
the compiler for a well-defined and restricted fragment of JML.
No need to cover lots of features if the overall combination gets
unusable. Then define a precise semantics for it and manually
prove the correctness of the verification condition generator. I do
really believe in "magic" bugs ;)
Perhaps I could chat a bit about this with Joseph at ETAPS,
I will be there (have a paper at ESOP).
PS. Mikolas, the crash
has nothing to do with the "recursive" spec it but rather with the
extension to the
model function. Of course, to check this you would need to spend some
time changing the spec, remove the "recursive spec" of compareTo
from the
header files, and play for a while with the tool, systematically
checking what
I did it for a couple of weeks before asking for help, but I see
now what
might be the source of the problem.
On Feb 12, 2008, at 5:36 PM, Mikoláš Janota wrote:
Hi Luis,
The crashing you see is caused by the prover (Simplify). My guess
it that Simplify doesn't handle very well the recursive spec of
I believe you can change Simplify's parameters so it doesn't crash,
actually it doesn't crash for us here on a linux machine.
Anyhow, the spec has to be loosened. As far as my understanding
such definititions will always cause problems in provers based on the
same handling of quantifiers as Simplify.
To summarize:
1) the problem is in the prover, not escjava --- remember that it's
first order logic, so there will always be problems
2) the spec is too rigid to be reasonably implemented
3) the spec introduces a problematic expression in the verification
condition that is hard to deal with in provers like Simplify
Thank you for your interest!
Best Regards
On Feb 12, 2008 4:55 PM, Luís Caires
== code ==
public class Num implements Comparable {
/_@ specpublic @/ private int n;
Num(int k) { n = k; }
//@ ensures \result == n;
/@ pure @/ public int getval() { return n; }
/*@ also public normal_behavior
@ ensures \result <==> (\typeof(o) <: \type(Num));
@ public model pure boolean
@ definedComparison(non_null Object o) {
@ return (o instanceof Num);
@ }
//@ also
//@ ensures \result == n - ((Num)num).getval();
public int compareTo(Object num) throws ClassCastException {
if(num instanceof Comparable) {
if(num instanceof Num) {
Num m = (Num)num;
//@ assert \typeof(m) <: \type(Num);
//@ assert \typeof(m) <: \type(Comparable);
//@ assert definedComparison(num);
//@ assert sgn(n-((Num)num).getval()) == - sgn(((Num)
return n - m.getval();
} else {
//@ assert !definedComparison(num);
throw new ClassCastException();
} else {
throw new ClassCastException();
=== output ==
staff-p3-10:~/JAVA/ESCJava-2.0b4-17-01-08-binary luiscaires$ ./
ESC/Java version ESCJava-2.0b4
[0.058 s 10665208 bytes]
Num ...
Prover started:0.038 s 14962600 bytes
[0.997 s 14466984 bytes]
Num: Num(int) ...
[0.112 s 15135576 bytes] passed
Num: getval() ...
[0.035 s 15375792 bytes] passed
Num: definedComparison(java.lang.Object) ... Warning: Postcondition possibly not established (Post)
@ }
Associated declaration is
line 53, col 12:
@ ensures ((\typeof(this) <: \typeof(o)) || ...
Execution trace information:
Executed return in "", line 15, col 5.
[0.06 s 14879920 bytes] failed
Num: compareTo(java.lang.Object) ... Warning: Postcondition possibly not established (Post)
Associated declaration is
line 61, col 10:
@ ensures sgn(\result) == - sgn(((Comparable)o).compareTo
(this ...
Execution trace information:
Executed then branch in "", line 22, col 32.
Executed then branch in "", line 23, col 29.
Executed return in "", line 29, col 14.
Fatal error: Unexpected exit by Simplify subprocess
[1.948 s 16850320 bytes] unexpectedly missing Simplify output
[3.152 s 16851104 bytes total]
2 warnings
1 error
On Feb 11, 2008, at 3:42 PM, Mikoláš Janota wrote:
could you please provide the example on which it crashes?
On 2/11/08, Luís Caires wrote:
Dear Mikolas,
Thanks. Yes, I agree with your analysis. The problem is that we
just cannot use the specs as they are, and do not have much time
now. About the system crashes I guess it is a bug in the VC
At some point, you should clean up the code, because the system
as it
is now seems fairly impredictable... this is particularly serious
when we
start using it for teaching purposes, maybe you should make it
clear in the web site what are the current limitations of the tool.
Thanks anyway.
Best regards,
Luis Caires
On Feb 4, 2008, at 2:48 PM, Mikoláš Janota wrote:
Hi Luis,
you are right that the definedComparison is somewhat odd.
It was apparantly written in the good will that compareTo should be
asymmetric, i.e.
a.compareTo(b) = -b.compareTo(a) and
the each of the side causes an exception if and only if the other
one does.
To implement this, one would have to check that the argument of
compareTo is a super type of this;
and that is something which is difficult to implement in java.
Another problem is that expressing in the postcondition the
a.compareTo(b) = -b.compareTo(a)
is not a good idea as the reasoning about such specs doesn't really
work in escjava, plus it tends to kill the prover.
We will definitely need to rewrite the spec of Comparable.
You said that escjava was crashing when you modified the spec?
make sure you have the latest release as I have made some fixes
recently, they are not in the plugin yet but should be in the most
recent release and of course they are in the svn head.
If it's still crashing, please send us the exact code (or submit a
bug report).
Best Regards,
On Feb 3, 2008 1:16 PM, Luís Caires
Thanks for your email.
Well, as far as we can tell, model methods are being checked as any
other method, if you provide an "implementation". In any case, the
verifier relies on the spec as usual.
A problem is that the spec of definedComparison is very funny. It
me that such a key spec seems to never have been checked ;) If we
to refine it, e.g., so that it would express the correct type
constraints, the compiler crashes. In fact, it crashes if one
to refine definedComparison by adding trivial constraints.
How should we fix that? It would be easy to rewrite the spec ... and
we wouldn't need to call for a support request to do that.
There are also lots of issues with frame condition specs. The
fact is
that presently, we are not being able to show to the students how to
check much more than simple Pascal-like algorithms, inside a single
with esc/java2. Maybe this is because of the lack of documentation,
but i am not sure about that. Is there some specification about how
"modifies" clauses are being formally handled in the underlying
logic ?
How are frame conditions handled? I am bugged that in the examples
only single classes are ever handled... Do you have an example where
calling a non pure method of an external object does not break the
current proof state? Where should we look for the semantics of the
assertion language ? Thanks,
Best, Luis
On Feb 1, 2008, at 10:22 PM, Dermot Cochran wrote:
The others can confirm/deny this; but it looks as if model methods
are not fully checked by ESC/Java2, so that definedComparison is
assumed to be true and the exceptional behavior is unexpected.
On 1 Feb 2008, at 18:38, Joseph Kiniry wrote:
Hello Luis,
I'm sorry I have not yet had time to look at your question.
Perhaps you can submit a support request at the Mobius Trac?
( Also, perhaps one of my group (CCed) can
help you out quicker than I can.
Thanks for your interest,
On 30 Jan, 2008, at 19:24, Luís Caires wrote:
Dear Joseph,
We intended to write to the jmlspecs-escjava mailing list,
but perhaps it would be faster to check this directly with
you (or maybe you may just fwd this to some of your
collaborators). We are trying to use esc/java2 in some
non-trivial examples in a MSc course, but in fact are
finding difficulties in some quite trivial examples...
For example, why does the following code fails to
go through the esc/java2 compiler (last version)?
Is there any test case for the comparable interface
that works ok? We have been struggling with this
for quite a while.
//@ ensures \result == n;
/@ pure @/ public int getval() { return n; }
public int compareTo(Object num) {
if(num instanceof Num) {
Num m = (Num)num;
return m.getval() - this.n;
} else
throw new ClassCastException();
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Gary T. Leavens"
Date: January 30, 2008 3:51:32 PM GMT+00:00
To: Luís Caires
Cc: Joao Costa Seco
Subject: Re: A question on JML - ESC/Java2
Hi Luis,
I see that an example that works with ESC/Java2 is what you
need, but
I'm not working enough with that tool to help. Please post your
request to the jmlspecs-escjava mailing list and I'm sure someone
there can find a good example for you.
On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, [ISO-8859-1] Luís Caires wrote:
Hi Gary,
thanks for your time.
On Jan 29, 2008, at 3:14 AM, Gary T. Leavens wrote:
Hi Luis,
On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, [ISO-8859-1] Luís Caires wrote:
We are doing some experimentation with ESC/Java2 in a MSc
course on
software construction, in particular trying to understand
some of the specs
for the Java framework. I am a bit puzzled by your spec of
compareTo in
(For the record, let me say that it was the "et al." that
wrote that
specification. The one I wrote in the Common JML tools is
less constructive.)
In definedComparision, how can we assure that either
\typeof(this) <: \typeof(o) or typeof(o) <: \typeof(this)?
We can't in general. But we don't have to. The ensures
(\typeof(this) <: \typeof(o))
|| (\typeof(o) <: \typeof(this)))
==> \result;
says only that if either \typeof(this) <: \typeof(o)
or typeof(o) <: \typeof(this) , then \result must be true.
If the hypothesis of this implication is false, then this
postcondition is trivially satisfied (since false ==>
\result is
always true).
Yes, clearly the assertions hold as you say, I was rather
asking what is the intent of such a postcondition spec, that
will always be trivially true most of the time without saying
much about \result.
we also see that definedComparision
is expected to be refined in subclasses, but unfortunately
ESC/Java2 crashes when we try to do that :).
In general we
only have both typeof(o) <: \typeof(K) and typeof(this) <:
\typeof(K) for
some subtype K of Comparable, right?
Well, we know \typeof(this) <: \typeof(Comparable) since this
is a
specification in type Comparable. So the second part is
true. The first part must be true due to the precondition
in the
specification case in question.
Oh, not really, since the precondition need not mention types
at all.
It would be a time saver to be able to look at some example that
works :) Well, I already browsed the whole web for an example of
use of the Comparable spec in ESC/Java2 and I did not
find any. Nice to deal with such complex specs, but it turns
out a bit
unfortunate that we cannot easily check them with some tool.
In any case, this is certainly a very promising and impressing
These are objects with a total ordering that is an
equivalence relation.
@version $Revision: 2240 $
@author Gary T. Leavens, et al.
/@ public normal_behavior
@ requires !(\typeof(o) <: \type(Comparable));
@ ensures !\result;
@ also public normal_behavior
@ requires \typeof(o) <: \type(Comparable);
@ ensures ((\typeof(this) <: \typeof(o)) ||
@ (\typeof(o) <: \typeof(this))) ==>
@ // subclasses will strengthen this contract.
@ public model pure boolean
@ definedComparison(nonnull Object o);
/_@ public exceptional_behavior
@ requires !definedComparison(o);
@ signals_only ClassCastException;
@ also public normalbehavior
@ requires definedComparison(o);
@ ensures (o == this) ==> \result == 0; // reflexive
@ ensures sgn(\result) == - sgn(((Comparable)
o).compareTo(this)); // antisymmetric
/@ pure @/ int compareTo(/_@ nonnull / Object o);
public class Num implements Comparable {
private int n;
Num(int k) { n = k; }
//@ ensures \result == n;
/@ pure @/ public int getval() { return n; }
public int compareTo(Object num) throws ClassCastException {
if(num instanceof Num) {
/_@ non_null @*/ Num m = (Num)num;
return m.getval() - this.n;
} else
throw new ClassCastException();
Gary T. Leavens
210 Harris Center (Bldg. 116)
School of EECS, University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, FL 32816-2362 USA phone:
Gary T. Leavens
210 Harris Center (Bldg. 116)
School of EECS, University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, FL 32816-2362 USA phone: +1-407-823-4758
Dr. Joseph Kiniry
KindSoftware Research Group http://
Systems Research Group http://
UCD School of Computer Science and Informatics
Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory (UCD CASL) http://
University College Dublin http://
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Mikoláš Janota M. Sc.
School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin,
Dublin 4,
Mikoláš Janota M. Sc.
School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin,
Dublin 4,
Mikoláš Janota M. Sc.
School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin,
Dublin 4,
Dermot Cochran
Systems Research Group
School of Computer Science & Informatics
8 Belfield Office Park
Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel: +353-1-716-5349
Reply to: Dermot Cochran }}} {{{ This seems to fit with Gary's suggestion that we should parse-and- ignore any JML keywords which ESC/Java2 does not recognize
Begin forwarded message:
Dermot Cochran Systems Research Group School of Computer Science & Informatics UCD CASL 8 Belfield Office Park Clonskeagh Dublin 4, Ireland Tel: +353-1-716-5349