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Distributed Testing Infrastructure #400

Open atiti opened 11 years ago

atiti commented 11 years ago

Use Apache-Maven to set up distributed continuous integration tests in our servers: Morphism, Object and Arrow, which cover Linux and Solaris. Extend this to provide Mac OS X testing on Catgeory and Voting, also on Windows machines and then for testing on remote sites. Write up a research paper using the results. Attach or link the raw data for the results to the ParallelTesting wiki page or this ticket.

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Thu Apr 3 12:42:23 2008


atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Fri Apr 4 14:18:54 2008

Maven Eclipse Integration - Update Site:

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Mon Apr 7 14:46:21 2008

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=Utils/Javafe/Javafe2.0.5.jar -DgroupId=mobius -DartifactId=Javafe -Dversion=2.0.5 -Dpackaging=jar

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Tue Apr 8 14:36:22 2008

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache -DartifactId=xmlrpc -Dversion=1.2-b1-modified -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=Escjava/xmlrpc-1.2-b1-modified.jar

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Thu Apr 10 15:41:08 2008

I have configured Maven tests for ESC/Java and I am starting to run the existing unit tests on arrow.

I'm wondering if I should be looking at Maven Continuum or just using crontab with shell scripts to run the maven tests?

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Thu Apr 10 16:38:45 2008

Mysterious Issue: I get different numbers of test failures on each server - even for the default test suite in which the same tests are run by all - this needs to be investigated further

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Thu Apr 10 17:35:19 2008

Also need to think about how to leverage JMLUnit to create even more distributed tests.

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Thu Apr 10 17:53:10 2008

Also need a mechanism to deal with expected failures i.e. we just want to have one .java-ckd file for each case and then maintain a list of tests which allowed/ expected to differ for particular sets of options

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Fri Apr 11 12:07:50 2008

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Mon Apr 14 11:36:51 2008

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Mon Apr 14 12:10:16 2008

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Tue Apr 15 14:03:40 2008

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Wed Apr 16 11:16:27 2008

kind:~ maven$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Network/Servers/ Created directory '/Network/Servers/'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /Network/Servers/ Your public key has been saved in /Network/Servers/ The key fingerprint is: 12:de:b1:02:a7:c9:3e:1f:7c:55:cd:50:2d:fe:e6:d9

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Mon Apr 21 15:21:33 2008


  1. Mail Notification from Continuum Server
  2. Test Coverage Analysis
  3. Determine set of valid command line options - allow test suite to mix and match command line options
atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Tue Apr 22 14:50:27 2008

This is set up now. Results will be added to the [wiki:ParallelTesting] page over the next few weeks.

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: dcochran (GH: dcochran) Date: Mon May 19 17:41:45 2008

The initial setup is complete and other tickets have been created for the remaining work.