kiniry / Mobius

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EscJava installation problems in Eclipse #647

Open atiti opened 11 years ago

atiti commented 11 years ago

I am (still) failing to get much functionality out of the EscJava plugin available at The JML compiler seems to compile my files OK (I get error messages when typing syntactically incorrect Java), but:

Thanks for your help, Arend

atiti commented 11 years ago

From: kiniry (GH: kiniry) Date: Mon Feb 8 21:27:59 2010

Are you perhaps using a workspace with a linked (rather than copied) project? This is usually the situation with the first problem.

The second problem is with the JML2 plugin, so you should report it to Werner at ETHZ. Have a look at Eclipse's log for more details.

I've been making screencasts about using the Mobius PVE, so I'll make one about ESC/Java use soon.