kinnala / scikit-fem

Simple finite element assemblers
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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DOF indices misaligned & boundaries do not transfer heat #1051

Closed DanielNobbe closed 11 months ago

DanielNobbe commented 11 months ago

Hi all,

I'm pretty new to using this library, and having a hard time adapting one of the examples to my use case.

I have adapted example 17 (heat transfer in a wire) to a case where there are four quadrants in a square. See an outcome from my test below. The left bottom square is heated.


I run into two problem:

Thanks in advance!

See my code below:

Based on example 17:

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from skfem import *
from skfem.helpers import dot, grad
from skfem.models.poisson import mass, unit_load
from import from_meshio
from import from_file

import pygmsh

### Generate mesh with pygmsh
with pygmsh.geo.Geometry() as geom:

   # Four quadrants
    bl = geom.add_rectangle(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1)  # xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, z, mesh_size
    br = geom.add_rectangle(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1)
    tl = geom.add_rectangle(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.1)
    tr = geom.add_rectangle(1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.1)

    # Define subdomains
    geom.add_physical(bl, label='bottom-left')
    geom.add_physical(br, label='bottom-right')
    geom.add_physical(tl, label='top-left')
    geom.add_physical(tr, label='top-right')

    # Define each quadrant's edges as boundaries
    geom.add_physical(bl.lines[2], label='bl-top')
    geom.add_physical(br.lines[2], label='br-top')
    geom.add_physical(tl.lines[1], label='tl-right')
    geom.add_physical(tr.lines[3], label='tr-left')
    geom.add_physical(bl.lines[1], label='bl-right')
    geom.add_physical(br.lines[3], label='br-left')
    geom.add_physical(tl.lines[0], label='tl-bottom')
    geom.add_physical(tr.lines[0], label='tr-bottom')

    # Define each outer edge as boundary
    geom.add_physical([br.lines[1], tr.lines[1]], label='right')
    geom.add_physical([tr.lines[2], tl.lines[2]], label='top')
    geom.add_physical([tl.lines[3], bl.lines[3]], label='left')
    geom.add_physical([bl.lines[0], br.lines[0]], label='bottom')

    # Generate mesh with pygmsh
    mesh = geom.generate_mesh(dim=2)
mesh = from_meshio(mesh)

# adapted from example 17
joule_heating = 5.
heat_transfer_coefficient = 7.
# Define conductivity per quadrant
thermal_conductivity = {'bottom-right': 1.,  'bottom-left': 10., 'top-left': 5., 'top-right': 10000.}

def conduction(u, v, w):
    return dot(w['conductivity'] * grad(u), grad(v))

convection = mass

element = ElementTriP1()
basis = Basis(mesh, element)

basis0 = basis.with_element(ElementTriP1())

conductivity = basis0.zeros()

for s in mesh.subdomains:
    conductivity[basis0.get_dofs(elements=s)] = thermal_conductivity[s]

L = asm(conduction, basis, conductivity=basis0.interpolate(conductivity))

facet_basis = FacetBasis(mesh, element, facets=[mesh.boundaries['bl-top']])
H = heat_transfer_coefficient * asm(convection, facet_basis)

core_basis = Basis(mesh, basis.elem, elements=mesh.subdomains['bottom-left'])
f = joule_heating * asm(unit_load, core_basis)

temperature = solve(L + H, f)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from os.path import splitext
    from sys import argv
    from skfem.visuals.matplotlib import draw, plot, savefig

    ax = draw(mesh)
    plot(basis, temperature, ax=ax, colorbar=True)
    savefig(splitext(argv[0])[0] + '_solution.png')


kinnala commented 11 months ago

Perhaps you have duplicate nodes there on the interface, with no connectivity from one quadrant to another?

kinnala commented 11 months ago

mesh.draw(node_numbering=True).show() will generate quite a mess but perhaps with zooming you can see if that's the case.

DanielNobbe commented 11 months ago

Looks like there are indeed duplicate nodes on the interface, thank you for the suggestion. Do you have any ideas on how to link these duplicate nodes?

kinnala commented 11 months ago

You should preferably create a proper mesh right at the start. I don't use pygmsh and, therefore, I don't know how the code must be modified.

There is a hack to remove duplicate nodes via mesh = mesh + mesh but this will, as a side effect, remove any tags attached to the elements or the facets of your mesh. This means that those top-left etc. tags will vanish.

kinnala commented 11 months ago

It is of course possible to add any missing tags again using MeshTri.with_subdomains and MeshTri.with_boundaries commands but I think it is perhaps a suboptimal solution and I'd rather try fixing the original mesh.

It is also possible to create meshes manually by combining square blocks:

mesh1 = MeshTri().refined(5)
mesh2 = MeshTri().translated((1.0, 0.0)).refined(5)
mesh = mesh1 + mesh2
mesh = mesh.with_subdomains({
   'left': lambda x: x[0] < 1.,
   'right': lambda x: x[0] > 1.,
kinnala commented 11 months ago

If you are only interested in this simple geometry, it is also possible to skip all this mesh generation and tagging effort and simply hard code the following form with the heat conductivity defined inside:

def conduction(u, v, w):
    hc = ((w.x[0] < 1) * (w.x[1] < 1) * 10 +
          (w.x[0] > 1) * (w.x[1] > 1) * 10000 +
          (w.x[0] < 1) * (w.x[1] > 1) * 5 +
          (w.x[0] > 1) * (w.x[1] < 1) * 1)
    return dot(hc * grad(u), grad(v))