Closed duarte-jfs closed 3 months ago
What is mesh_from_OrderedDict and how is the orientation information represented in its output?
comes from femwell (
how is the orientation information represented in its output
That I don't quite follow. What should I be looking for? I believe the orientation is still correctly passed from mesh_from_OrderedDict
to from_meshio()
because when following the tangents of the boundary from:
tangents = (mtmp.p[:, facets[1]] - mtmp.p[:, facets[0]])
They follow the rectangle in an anticlockwise manner. The problem was on the t1, _ = mtmp.f2t[:, boundaries[k]]
. The t1
elements returned for the poly_exterior
were outside the rectangle boundary whereas the elements represented by t1
for the boundary surrounding the poly_box
(which the mesh returns as a boundary too) returned the elements inside the polygon boundary. But I must admit, I debugging beyond that proved quite difficult to me
The following code allows us to see that:
def from_meshio(m,
if ignore_interior_facets:
logger.warning("kwarg ignore_interior_facets is unused.")
cells = m.cells_dict
meshio_type = None
if force_meshio_type is None:
# detect 3D
for k in cells:
if k in {'tetra',
meshio_type = k
if meshio_type is None:
# detect 2D
for k in cells:
if k in {'triangle',
meshio_type = k
if meshio_type is None:
# detect 1D
for k in cells:
if k == 'line':
meshio_type = k
meshio_type = force_meshio_type
if meshio_type is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Mesh type(s) not supported "
"in import: {}.".format(cells.keys()))
mesh_type = MESH_TYPE_MAPPING[meshio_type]
# create p and t
p = np.ascontiguousarray(mesh_type.strip_extra_coordinates(m.points).T)
t = np.ascontiguousarray(cells[meshio_type].T)
# reorder t if needed
if meshio_type == 'hexahedron':
t = t[INV_HEX_MAPPING[:8]]
elif meshio_type == 'hexahedron27':
if int_data_to_sets:
subdomains = {}
boundaries = {}
# parse any subdomains from cell_sets
if m.cell_sets:
subdomains = {k: v[meshio_type].astype(np.int64)
for k, v in m.cell_sets_dict.items()
if meshio_type in v}
# create temporary mesh for matching boundary elements
mtmp = mesh_type(p, t, validate=False)
bnd_type = BOUNDARY_TYPE_MAPPING[meshio_type]
mesh = mtmp
plt.scatter(*mesh.p, marker = 'o', facecolor = 'None', edgecolor = 'black', s = 15)
# parse boundaries from cell_sets
# print('inside meshio:', bnd_type)
if m.cell_sets and bnd_type in m.cells_dict:
p2f = mtmp.p2f
for k, v in m.cell_sets_dict.items():
if bnd_type in v and k.split(":")[0] != "gmsh":
facets = m.cells_dict[bnd_type][v[bnd_type]].T
sorted_facets = np.sort(facets, axis=0)
ind = p2f[:, sorted_facets[0]]
for itr in range(sorted_facets.shape[0] - 1):
ind = ind.multiply(p2f[:, sorted_facets[itr + 1]])
boundaries[k] = np.nonzero(ind)[0]
if not ignore_orientation:
ori = np.zeros_like(boundaries[k], dtype=np.float64)
t1, _ = mtmp.f2t[:, boundaries[k]]
if facets.shape[0] == 2:
tangents = (mtmp.p[:, facets[1]]
- mtmp.p[:, facets[0]])
normals = np.array([-tangents[1], tangents[0]])
elif facets.shape[0] == 3:
tangents1 = (mtmp.p[:, facets[1]]
- mtmp.p[:, facets[0]])
tangents2 = (mtmp.p[:, facets[2]]
- mtmp.p[:, facets[0]])
normals = -np.cross(tangents1.T, tangents2.T).T
raise NotImplementedError
for r in range(len(t1)):
plt.plot(*mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[(0,1), t1[r]]], color = 'blue')
plt.plot(*mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[(1,2), t1[r]]], color = 'blue')
plt.plot(*mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[(0,2), t1[r]]], color = 'blue')
for itr in range(mtmp.t.shape[0]): #iterate over the points of the triangles that contain the boundary
plt.scatter(*mtmp.p[:, facets[0]], edgecolor = 'red', facecolor = 'none', s = 20)
plt.scatter(*mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[itr, t1]], edgecolor = 'blue', facecolor = 'none', s = 25)
for g in range(len(facets[0])):
mesh = mtmp
x = [mesh.p[0,facets[0,g]], mesh.p[0,facets[1,g]]]
y = [mesh.p[1,facets[0,g]], mesh.p[1,facets[1,g]]]
plt.text(np.mean(x), np.mean(y), f"{g}")
# for l in range(len(facets[0])):
# plt.arrow(*mtmp.p[:, facets[0][l]],*(mtmp.p[:, facets[0][l]]-
# mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[itr, t1][l]]))
# print('##########################################')
ori += np.sum(normals
* (mtmp.p[:, facets[0]] #This is every point of the line
- mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[itr, t1]]),
ori = 1 * (ori > 0)
# print(ori)
boundaries[k] = OrientedBoundary(boundaries[k],
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Failure to orient a boundary.")
# print(boundaries)
# MSH 2.2 tag parsing
if len(boundaries) == 0 and m.cell_data and m.field_data:
elements_tag = m.cell_data_dict['gmsh:physical'][meshio_type]
subdomains = {}
tags = np.unique(elements_tag)
def find_tagname(tag):
for key in m.field_data:
if m.field_data[key][0] == tag:
return key
return None
for tag in tags:
t_set = np.nonzero(tag == elements_tag)[0]
subdomains[find_tagname(tag)] = t_set
# find tagged boundaries
if bnd_type in m.cell_data_dict['gmsh:physical']:
facets = m.cells_dict[bnd_type]
facets_tag = m.cell_data_dict['gmsh:physical'][bnd_type]
# put meshio facets to dict
dic = {tuple(np.sort(facets[i])): facets_tag[i]
for i in range(facets.shape[0])}
# get index of corresponding Mesh.facets for each meshio
# facet found in the dict
index = np.array([[dic[tuple(np.sort(mtmp.facets[:, i]))], i]
for i in mtmp.boundary_facets()
if tuple(np.sort(mtmp.facets[:, i])) in dic])
# read meshio tag numbers and names
tags = index[:, 0]
boundaries = {}
for tag in np.unique(tags):
tagindex = np.nonzero(tags == tag)[0]
boundaries[find_tagname(tag)] = index[tagindex, 1]
except Exception:
logger.warning("Failure to parse tags from meshio.")
# attempt parsing skfem tags
if m.cell_data:
_boundaries, _subdomains = mtmp._decode_cell_data(m.cell_data)
# export mesh data
if out is not None and isinstance(out, list):
for i, field in enumerate(out):
out[i] = getattr(m, field)
return mesh_type(
None if len(boundaries) == 0 else boundaries,
None if len(subdomains) == 0 else subdomains,
One possible fix that can work generally for any 2D mesh is by making use of the correct calculation of the tangents and normals, and extend it to the third dimension, then performing a cross product:
def from_meshio(m,
if ignore_interior_facets:
logger.warning("kwarg ignore_interior_facets is unused.")
cells = m.cells_dict
meshio_type = None
if force_meshio_type is None:
# detect 3D
for k in cells:
if k in {'tetra',
meshio_type = k
if meshio_type is None:
# detect 2D
for k in cells:
if k in {'triangle',
meshio_type = k
if meshio_type is None:
# detect 1D
for k in cells:
if k == 'line':
meshio_type = k
meshio_type = force_meshio_type
if meshio_type is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Mesh type(s) not supported "
"in import: {}.".format(cells.keys()))
mesh_type = MESH_TYPE_MAPPING[meshio_type]
# create p and t
p = np.ascontiguousarray(mesh_type.strip_extra_coordinates(m.points).T)
t = np.ascontiguousarray(cells[meshio_type].T)
# reorder t if needed
if meshio_type == 'hexahedron':
t = t[INV_HEX_MAPPING[:8]]
elif meshio_type == 'hexahedron27':
if int_data_to_sets:
subdomains = {}
boundaries = {}
# parse any subdomains from cell_sets
if m.cell_sets:
subdomains = {k: v[meshio_type].astype(np.int64)
for k, v in m.cell_sets_dict.items()
if meshio_type in v}
# create temporary mesh for matching boundary elements
mtmp = mesh_type(p, t, validate=False)
bnd_type = BOUNDARY_TYPE_MAPPING[meshio_type]
# parse boundaries from cell_sets
if m.cell_sets and bnd_type in m.cells_dict:
p2f = mtmp.p2f
for k, v in m.cell_sets_dict.items():
if bnd_type in v and k.split(":")[0] != "gmsh":
facets = m.cells_dict[bnd_type][v[bnd_type]].T
sorted_facets = np.sort(facets, axis=0)
ind = p2f[:, sorted_facets[0]]
for itr in range(sorted_facets.shape[0] - 1):
ind = ind.multiply(p2f[:, sorted_facets[itr + 1]])
boundaries[k] = np.nonzero(ind)[0]
if not ignore_orientation:
ori = np.zeros_like(boundaries[k], dtype=np.float64)
t1, _ = mtmp.f2t[:, boundaries[k]]
if facets.shape[0] == 2:
tangents = (mtmp.p[:, facets[1]]
- mtmp.p[:, facets[0]])
normals = np.array([-tangents[1], tangents[0]])
tangents = np.vstack((tangents, np.zeros(facets.shape[1])))
normals = np.vstack((normals, np.zeros(facets.shape[1])))
ori = (np.sign(-np.cross(tangents.T, normals.T).T[-1])-1)/2
elif facets.shape[0] == 3:
tangents1 = (mtmp.p[:, facets[1]]
- mtmp.p[:, facets[0]])
tangents2 = (mtmp.p[:, facets[2]]
- mtmp.p[:, facets[0]])
normals = -np.cross(tangents1.T, tangents2.T).T
for itr in range(mtmp.t.shape[0]):
ori += np.sum(normals
* (mtmp.p[:, facets[0]] #This is every point of the line
- mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[itr, t1]]),
ori = 1 * (ori > 0)
raise NotImplementedError
boundaries[k] = OrientedBoundary(boundaries[k],
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Failure to orient a boundary.")
# print(boundaries)
# MSH 2.2 tag parsing
if len(boundaries) == 0 and m.cell_data and m.field_data:
elements_tag = m.cell_data_dict['gmsh:physical'][meshio_type]
subdomains = {}
tags = np.unique(elements_tag)
def find_tagname(tag):
for key in m.field_data:
if m.field_data[key][0] == tag:
return key
return None
for tag in tags:
t_set = np.nonzero(tag == elements_tag)[0]
subdomains[find_tagname(tag)] = t_set
# find tagged boundaries
if bnd_type in m.cell_data_dict['gmsh:physical']:
facets = m.cells_dict[bnd_type]
facets_tag = m.cell_data_dict['gmsh:physical'][bnd_type]
# put meshio facets to dict
dic = {tuple(np.sort(facets[i])): facets_tag[i]
for i in range(facets.shape[0])}
# get index of corresponding Mesh.facets for each meshio
# facet found in the dict
index = np.array([[dic[tuple(np.sort(mtmp.facets[:, i]))], i]
for i in mtmp.boundary_facets()
if tuple(np.sort(mtmp.facets[:, i])) in dic])
# read meshio tag numbers and names
tags = index[:, 0]
boundaries = {}
for tag in np.unique(tags):
tagindex = np.nonzero(tags == tag)[0]
boundaries[find_tagname(tag)] = index[tagindex, 1]
except Exception:
logger.warning("Failure to parse tags from meshio.")
# attempt parsing skfem tags
if m.cell_data:
_boundaries, _subdomains = mtmp._decode_cell_data(m.cell_data)
# export mesh data
if out is not None and isinstance(out, list):
for i, field in enumerate(out):
out[i] = getattr(m, field)
return mesh_type(
None if len(boundaries) == 0 else boundaries,
None if len(subdomains) == 0 else subdomains,
I don't know if the issue will remain for 3D, or even if this is a good permanent fix, but this is as far as I got. Hope it helps
I believe the orientation part of from_meshio was created while testing against Gmsh generated meshes, loaded from file via meshio, and if I recall correctly, in Gmsh meshes the boundary/interface facets were listed in a specific (probably anticlockwise) order. In scikit-fem this information was made more explicit by introducing the concept of OrientedBoundary, so that a consistent normal vector could be used.
However, I’ll need to study where these meshes are originating from and how do they differ with the Gmsh ones, or if there is another bug I am not aware of.
Does the problem persist if you do a save-load cycle with the meshio.Mesh object? Can you save one of those meshio objects to file and post it here so I can test it more easily?
Does the problem persist if you do a save-load cycle with the meshio.Mesh object?
I have done the following:
mesh = from_meshio(
mesh_from_OrderedDict(polygons, {}, default_resolution_max=0.1, filename="mesh.msh")
mesh = from_file('mesh.msh', out = None)
and the problem persists. Is this what you meant?
Can you save one of those meshio objects to file and post it here so I can test it more easily?
Do you mean the .msh file?
Thank you. I believe this issue originates from the optimizations done in #1117.
In fact, it seems that
for itr in range(mtmp.t.shape[0]):
ori += np.sum(normals
* (mtmp.p[:, facets[0]]
- mtmp.p[:, mtmp.t[itr, t1]]),
which is supposed to check the dot product between the proposed normal and the edges of the elements is completely incorrect.
More precisely, it seems that the order of facets in facets
and the order of the corresponding triangles in t1
is not equal. I will continue looking into it and see if there is a simple fix for all dimensions.
I believe this is fixed by the PR #1152
I have released this in 10.0.1.
I have the code below to illustrate the issue. One box I create a OrientedBoundary with
and the other is generated by giving the exterior of ashapely.Polygon
.I'm unsure how to solve this, but my guess is that it originates on the
. This is a very important feature when considering line integrals@HelgeGehring