kinnala / scikit-fem

Simple finite element assemblers
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Investigate ex21 and add new convergence test #75

Closed kinnala closed 4 years ago

kinnala commented 5 years ago

Checked the eigenvalues in ex17 and they seem to be a bit high for my taste, so I'm not sure whether the equations are correct or not.

Found an analytical test case from

Todo: implement a convergence test.

kinnala commented 4 years ago

Either this was renamed to ex21 at some point or there was a typo.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

Picking up here from the duplicate #318.

I recall that I also noticed some anomalies in gdmcbain/fenics-tuto-in-skfem#3 in translating the FEniCS tutorial 06 elastostatic cantilever problem. There it was FEniCS that was inaccurate but the anomaly went away when its mesh was refined.

I'm a bit worried by this issue. I'll try to get to bottom of it. I assume it's not scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh, although there are different ways to use this; I'll check that by trying a direct solver on a big machine, on a smaller problem if required. What else? Reduced quadrature? Basis functions or their gradients? Definition of linear elastic forms? Everything, I guess, and all of them could have further consequences! I'll look into this, as a matter of urgency.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

Ta for Day & Romera (2004). Rather than exact solutions to a continuous problem though, I'm particularly interested in exact or at least accurate eigensolutions of the discrete finite element problem on a definite mesh with definite elements.

There's some on a very simple geometry and mesh in:

It's a 550 × 50 × 5 mm cuboidal cantilever, fixed at one of the small ends, meshed with 44×4×1 hexahedra. I presume these are S2 #314. The eigenfrequencies quoted for this very coarse mesh are similar to the analytical values from one-dimensional Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. I've had these checked in ANSYS and it gives the same values for 'linear' elements which I presume are the same as ElementHex1. I'll attach the scikit-fem implementation here once I tidy it up; however, in brief, it's giving the same sort of misbehaviour as ex21. (Whereas, as noted in the duplicate #318, ex03 seems fine.)

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

An even coarser example:

Example 5.3 (§5.8) is a cube fixed on one side, reduced to a quarter (½×½×1) by the two planes of symmetry, and meshes with two cubical ElementHex1. Table 5.4 gives the first four modes (swaying, torsion, longitudinal, swaying) for the FEM and exact; the first three are within 10%.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

I'll also check the thermal eigenvalues of beams.msh and its refinements; that would be a good test, touching everything except the linear elastic bilinear form.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

…and the mass bilinear form, since the problem is scalar rather than vector. So also the element is just ElementTetP1 rather than ElementVectorH1(ElementTetP1()).

The thermal version,, seems to behave fine: with -r 0, -r 1, and -r 2, the thermal eigenvalues are:

Here's the fundamental thermal mode on the second refinement.


gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

I assume it's not scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh, although there are different ways to use this; I'll check that by trying a direct solver on a big machine, on a smaller problem if required.

Back on the original elastic problem on the original mesh, I repeated the eigencalculation with

L = eigh(Kint.toarray(), Mint.toarray())[0][:len(L)]
print('Natural frequencies (eigh):', np.sqrt(L) / 2 / np.pi)

and obtained

Natural frequencies (eigh): [ 80.17036319 179.80324866 214.18727331 215.65390949 272.58643357

which is identical to the results of eigsh.

Similarly with .refine(1),

Natural frequencies (eigh): [ 61.02158325 135.15096073 149.1143932  182.71785978 210.27388124

identical to eigsh.

(Recall from #318 that the fundamental frequency is estimated as 80, 61, 47, … on the 0th, 1st, 2nd, … refined meshes.)

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

As a test of skfem.model.elasticity.linear_elasticity, I varied the refinement on an elastostatic example, ex11, from 0 (not refining) to 4 and measured the extremal nodal displacement in the y or z direction (these being identical by symmetry) with

np.linalg.norm(u[ib.nodal_dofs], np.inf, axis=1)

The results:

refine displacement
0 0
1 0.03461538
2 0.03078956
3 0.03066449
4 0.03055899

which seems reasonable.

N. B.:—This example uses ElementHex1 rather than ElementTetP1.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

Modifying ex11 to use ElementTetP1:

m = MeshTet.init_tensor(*[(0., 1.)]*3)
e1 = ElementTetP1()    


refine v w
0 0 0
1 0.02899299 0.02562738
2 0.02869832 0.02799793
3 0.02997764 0.02962972
4 0.03049255 0.03031104

which is not quite as good as the original hexahedra but still clearly convergent to the same limit.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

Here's a script to reproduce the example of Ghodge et al (2018): but using ElementHex1 (instead of ElementHexS2 #314). Call with python to get the 44×4×1 MeshHex, and optionally pass --refine n to multiply the numbers of cells in the x and y directions by 2**n.

It's actually not so bad:

refine f0 f1 f2
0 25.78368761 136.29237714 161.61759815
1 17.80901038 111.57197041 134.67460098
2 15.07335499 94.41605083 134.23872412
3 14.28790026 89.49109303 134.12060936

which does look as though it's tending towards the values [13.476, 84.458, 134.76] quoted in the paper.

The refinement here is only in the x and y directions, there's always only one cell through the z-thickness. This, I think, explains why the third mode seems to be converging faster than the first two: it's a 'yawing' mode, in the xy-plane.

Perhaps what's required for ex21 is MeshHex rather than MeshTet and then implementation of ElementHex2 or ElementHexS2. Is there anything else going on here?


kinnala commented 4 years ago

Some guesses:

I should try learning more about eigenvalue problems.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

Tricks?! How interesting. (Right now I wish that such examples weren't so interesting because I have some to solve, but, nevertheless, how interesting!)

What counts as tricks? Different quadratures? Mixed methods involving stress or strain instead of the current 'displacement' formulation? Exotic elements? Macroelements?

too large difference in the max entries of M and K (to counter: use e.g. different units)

I did try that, yes. I think scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh is clever enough not to need that but I always think it's a good practice anyway to use appropriate units. Also the ratio E/ρ can be factored into the eigenvalues, even if one doesn't fully nondimensionalize.

I should try learning more about eigenvalue problems.

Yes, but eigsh &c. are pretty good. There is SLEPc too #236, but I think that the test of scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh versus eigh means that the issue isn't in the numerical solution of the algebraic generalized eigenvalue problem but is already in the pair of matrices. I've also convinced myself that the forms and assembly &c. are correct, and so, yes, that it's something like ‘locking’ and in need of ‘tricks’. Surely someone has published some of these tricks and they aren't all locked up in closed-source codes; I'm continuing to look into the literature.


gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

O. K. I've found an easy fix: ElementTetP2.

The use of quadratic displacement formulated finite elements significantly improve the performance of the tetrahedral as well as the hexahedral elements.

This works here too:

There are fancier tricks (reduced quadrature, bubble functions, …) but this'll do for now; I'll modify ex21 accordingly.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

A further thought on this (I'll launch a new issue if it goes anywhere). The switch from ElementTetP1 to ElementTetP2 #322 enables a ‘reasonable’ solution on the received mesh, but the technique doesn't go much too much further. On my desktop, I can m.refine(1) (and redefine m.boundaries['fixed'] using .facets_satisfying) but no further without running out of memory.

I suspect what's happening is that eigsh, because sigma=0., is performing repeated direct solves using the stiffness matrix. If so, this eventually needs to be replaced by a preconditioned iteration. While without a shift eigsh does permit the mass matrix to be replaced by an operator which acts like its inverse, I don't think this works for the stiffness matrix. I'm wondering whether a simple expedient might be to swap the mass and stiffness matrices, set sigma back to its default None, replace the stiffness matrix with LinearOperator embodying a preconditioned Krylov solver, and then take the reciprocals of the eigenvalues. (The eigenvectors are unaffected by such a swap.)

In short, ‘I should try learning more about eigenvalue problems’ too.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

There's no need for skullduggery like swapping the stiffness and mass, eigsh accepts OPinv: LinearOperator which, in case sigma=0., acts like the inverse of the stiffness matrix.

gdmcbain commented 4 years ago

The 'fixed' boundary conditions are only applied to nodal degrees of freedom,

but since the elements were upgraded to quadratic in #322, that's not all of them.