kinnay / NintendoClients

Python package to communicate with Switch, Wii U and 3DS servers
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Obtain .btl file for MM2 #28

Closed TheGreatRambler closed 4 years ago

TheGreatRambler commented 4 years ago

According to this reddit post, three files are neccessary for a level on your savefile:

I am aware you cam download the bcd of any arbitrary level online. How could I aquire the other two and, if not, could I use the default provided by creating a new level in the MM2 editor? Thank you.

kinnay commented 4 years ago


Thumbnails are provided by the server as a jpeg file (see You probably have to convert them to btl manually.

Replay files can't be downloaded from the server (except for ninji ghosts), but I think you can also use a different replay file, like the default one? I never looked into smm2's save files.

Also just curious, why would you want to add a level to your save file manually? Can't you simply download it on your Switch?

TheGreatRambler commented 4 years ago

When you download a level, you lose the ability to edit it. Additionally, WRs obtained on it will get sent back to the original level. The TAS community wants to be able to play popular levels and get TAS WRs on them without affecting the WR of the original level. Thank you for your help!

TheGreatRambler commented 4 years ago

I couldn't find this information online, but what is the dimensions of the thumbnail JPEG? I'm trying to get some info about the BTL format.

kinnay commented 4 years ago

Depends on the thumbnail image.

