kinngh / shopify-node-express-mongodb-app

An embedded Shopify app starter template made with Node, Express, React and Vite, with all the required stuff hooked up.
MIT License
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Theme App Extension #126

Closed zohaibarsalan closed 5 months ago

zohaibarsalan commented 5 months ago

Hello, once again Kinngh.

I questioned you previously about adding theme-app-extensions to my application and I did do that. I put the generate extension script in my package.json and made an extension through the Shopify CLI. The CLI generated the extensions folder in which I have the normal files and folder. I even see the extension for my app in the extensions tab in the Partners dashboard. However, I do not know how to view or run the extension. I don't see the extension in the online store customizer.


"scripts": {
    "dev": "concurrently \"npm run dev:*\"",
    "dev:server": "NODE_ENV=dev nodemon server/index.js --ignore client/ --ignore dist/",
    "dev:client": "vite --config=./client/vite.config.cjs",
    "build": "vite build --config=./client/vite.config.cjs",
    "start": "NODE_ENV=prod node server/index.js",
    "-----> utils <-----": "",
    "update": "ncu -u",
    "update:url": "node _developer/updateDashboard.js",
    "pretty": "prettier --write .",
    "-----> tunneling <-----": "",
    "-----> ngrok <-----": "",
    "ngrok:auth": "ngrok authtoken <your-auth-token>",
    "ngrok": "ngrok http 5173",
    "ngrok:prod": "ngrok http 8081",
    "-----> cloudflare <-----": "",
    "cloudflare": "cloudflared tunnel --url localhost:5173",
    "cloudflare:prod": "cloudflared tunnel --url localhost:8081",
    "-----> Shopify <-----": "",
    "g:install": "npm i -g @shopify/app@latest @shopify/cli@latest",
    "shopify": "shopify",
    "info": "shopify app info",
    "generate": "shopify app generate extension",
    "deploy": "shopify app deploy",
    "-----> Reserved Scripts <-----": "",
    "preserve": "npm run build"


name = "bannerito"
type = "theme"

Partners Dashboard Partners Dashboard

I would greatly appreciate it if you helped me figure out how to run the extension in conjunction with my normal application.

Cheers, Zohaib :)

kinngh commented 5 months ago

You run your extension separately from your main app. Here's an example of how to structure your app and have things work:

Also, this should've been a discussion, not an issue. Please be mindful from the next time and post in the right space.

zohaibarsalan commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry I didn't put this in the correct space.

I have one last question, I add this to my main package.json

 "extension": "shopify app dev",

And then run this in the main folder with conjunction to the actual application?

Doing this the app embed block doesn't appear in the online store customization.

kinngh commented 5 months ago
  1. Make sure that your extension folder isn't inside the app folder and follows the setup that I posted in the repo above
  2. In your app folder, run npm run dev
  3. In your extension folder, run shopify app dev
zohaibarsalan commented 5 months ago

Is this the correct structure of the extension folder? Folder Structure

zohaibarsalan commented 5 months ago

Actually, nevermind it works. Thank you, Kinng for all the help. Once again I am sorry for not uploading this in the correct space. And thank you for taking out time to help me.

kinngh commented 5 months ago

Nah don't worry about it! Also again, this is exactly what I've been saying - your app and extensions folder need to be at the same level, and the extension folder shouldn't be inside the app folder (the app folder should include server/, utils/, _developer/, client/, etc)

zohaibarsalan commented 5 months ago

Yep I got it thanks to you.

Do you have any idea how I can take data from my app and pass it to embedded theme blocks? Like the user in my app inputs his slogan and that slogan is then taken to a block and I can use that data as the slogan

kinngh commented 5 months ago

Make an app proxy and use a fetch() to get data from your app

zohaibarsalan commented 5 months ago

The proxy isn't working. I am using the already-written proxy controller.

Partners Dashboard: Prixy Settings - Partner Dashboard


import { Router } from 'express';
import clientProvider from '../../../utils/clientProvider.js';
const proxyRouter = Router();

proxyRouter.get('/json', async (req, res) => {
  const { client } = await clientProvider.offline.graphqlClient({
    shop: res.locals.user_shop,
  return res.status(200).send({ content: 'Proxy Be Working' });
export default proxyRouter;


     .then((res) => console.log("Data from proxy ", res))
     .catch((error) => console.log("Error from proxy", error))

Response in console: Prpxy Response in Console

zohaibarsalan commented 5 months ago

Ok Kinngh I got it. It was because of ngrok. I put this

in the browser and used requestly to make sure the ngrok request header browsing warning was set to true and then I got the json with the response that the proxy works.

In the end it was because of ngrok.

I think I am going to switch to cloudflare, do you have any tips or tutorial on how to switch?

kinngh commented 5 months ago

Just swap out ngrok with cloudflared in package.json after installing the right packages for your system and you'll be good to go!