kinobi-so / kinobi

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[renderers-rust] Generated rust arrays longer than 32 do not serde `Serialize` #184

Open wjthieme opened 3 weeks ago

wjthieme commented 3 weeks ago

Arrays longer than 32 cannot be Serialized with serde directly (catch-32). I suspect that is why the #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(with = "serde_with::As::<serde_with::Bytes>"))] proc macro is added to array fields longer than 32.

This however still fails with the following error:

the trait bound `serde_with::Bytes: SerializeAs<[T; N]>` is not satisfied

Example: The TickArray account in when compiled with serde feature enabled. This account has a field pub ticks: [Tick; 88] which it fails on.

lorisleiva commented 3 weeks ago

Hey Will, thanks for raising this!

May I ask, do you need the serde feature/traits in your case?

@febo is the mastermind behind the Rust client and I know he's got some plans to make some of these traits configurables so you don't have to worry about them if you don't need them. He's OOO at the moment but might be able to help with this when he's back.

Otherwise, do you have an idea of what I could add to the generated Rust code to make this work?

wjthieme commented 3 weeks ago

Don't think we'd immediately need the 'serde' feature on the kinobi generated code but would be nice to have for any consumer of our sdk (in case anyone needs it).

Since this is just a one-off case we currently have a custom (de)serializer for the field.

/// Serialize the fixed size tick array as a vector.
/// This is needed because Serde only supports fixed size arrays with <= 32 elements.
pub fn serialize_ticks<S>(value: &[Tick], serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
    S: Serializer,
    let mut seq = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(TICK_ARRAY_SIZE_USIZE))?;

    for element in value {


/// Deserialize the fixed size tick array from a vector.
/// This is needed because Serde only supports fixed size arrays with <= 32 elements.
pub fn deserialize_ticks<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<[Tick; TICK_ARRAY_SIZE_USIZE], D::Error>
    D: Deserializer<'de>,
    let vec = <Vec<Tick>>::deserialize(deserializer)?;

    vec.try_into().map_err(|_| de::Error::custom("wrong size"))
wjthieme commented 3 weeks ago

Using #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(with = "BigArray"))] instead seems to work but it requires the serde-big-array crate.

Supposedly serde_with also has something for arrays larger than 32 but I couldn't get that to work: