kinoute / Hack-Z370-HD3P-i5-8400

My main Hackintosh running macOS Sonoma with a i5-8400 and a Gigabyte Z370-HD3P.
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Installation Ventura on I5 8400 on Asus TUF 7370 Plus UHD 630 issue #11

Open prasc2024 opened 6 months ago

prasc2024 commented 6 months ago


My spec is Ventura on I5 8400 on Asus TUF 7370 Plus UHD 630

Thanks to you, I thought I found the right EFI setting for my kits but I got some scripts of kernel panic at the startup so still can't install it. I guess it's about the USB mapping.

Should I try to install it on Catalina with Opencore first and upgrade my way up to Ventura?

Maybe we have a different Motherboard so I just need to find out how to do USB mapping which is similar for mine? Pls help if you can. Thanks.


kinoute commented 6 months ago


Yes, it is definitely due to the fact that you are not using the same motherboard. The USB Mapping was made specifically for my motherboard's model.

You could try to make your own : or use the USBInjectAll.kext package that, IIRC, try to load all USB ports easily.