kinsi55 / CS_BeatSaber_Camera2

Adds a lot of options / tools for creating more advanced desktop viewing experiences with multiple camera angles and much more in Beat Saber
MIT License
118 stars 13 forks source link

fitToCanvas option missing #61

Closed Carsans-Scantling closed 2 years ago

Carsans-Scantling commented 2 years ago

When my friend uses Camera2, the window is stuck in the bottom left corner. In the previous camera mod "CameraPlus", this was fixed using a setting called "fitToCanvas". However, this setting is apparent no where we can find (checked in game settings, checked the configs, can't edit the .dll, checked every folder in Beat Saber). This makes streaming to discord an extreme issue. I have no clue if this is a bug, if we're missing something, or if the feature was renamed/changed. Either way this problem is extremely inhibiting the use of this mod and we would appreciate some input related to changing the camera size in the Beat Saber application (all we currently see is a small window in the bottom left and a black background behind it.

Config file is attached.

kinsi55 commented 2 years ago

fitToCanvas does not exist in Cam2 because it is not necessary. In CameraPlus, the positions and sizes of the cameras on the desktop are configured as pixels - In Camera2 they are fractions of a whole, so if you have a camera which has x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1 it is a camera that fits the entire screen

That being said, newly created cameras do intentionally start off as a small window, to make it clear that it was created as a seperate camera. You can drag around / resize the camera on the desktop as tho its a "normal" window