kintesh / containerise

Firefox extension to automatically open websites in a container
MIT License
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suffix based container assignment is broken #175

Closed jaredmontoya closed 2 years ago

jaredmontoya commented 2 years ago

After i2p+ update 1.8.0 idk's in private browsing extension started breaking local router console, so I replicated all its functionality with other 3 extensions, one of them is containerise, very useful feature of idk's extension was that when you use .i2p domains it assigns that tab a container which has proxy set to, so I did the same and in rules settings of container that has proxy set to I put .i2p filter so containerise switches tab container to that container if I ever use .i2p domain in it, but instead it switches really fast between normal tab and that container and page doesnt even load, if I force open that domain in that container manually it works fine, I tried using filters like .org to test if its only a problem with i2p domains but it also behaved like I explained before.

extensions used: multi account containers, containerise, container proxy

closed because problem is probably in containers themself