kinu-garage / docker_vcs

Tool to support building Container/Images using VCS
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

build fails: "Could not determine ref type of version: fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address" #15

Closed 130s closed 1 year ago

130s commented 1 year ago
export DOCKER_BASEIMG=ros:noetic-perception-focal
export REPOS_FILE=/home/foo/src/130s/reporepo/2022.repos
./  --debug --rm_intermediate   \
  --docker_base_img $DOCKER_BASEIMG \
  --docker_out_tag "130s:docker_vcs_baaaa" \
  --path_repos $REPOS_FILE \
  --tmp_context_path ./docker_vcs_tools 


INFO:root:Line#2499: Step 27/33 : RUN mkdir -p $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src && cd $WS_IN_CONTAINER && ls -lth $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src && vcs import --debug --skip-existing $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src < $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src/cws.repos
INFO:root:Line#2500:  ---> Running in 00c2919de29e               

INFO:root:Line#2501: total 4.0K                                                     
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 226 Mar 17 03:29 cws.repos     

INFO:root:Line#2502: DEBUG:vcstool.executor:started '/cws/src/org-b/BAAAA'       
DEBUG:vcstool.executor:started '/cws/src/130s/reporepo'
DEBUG:vcstool.executor:ongoing ['/cws/src/org-b/BAAAA', '/cws/src/130s/reporepo']
INFO:root:Line#2503: DEBUG:vcstool.executor:finished '/cws/src/130s/reporepo'
INFO:root:Line#2504: DEBUG:vcstool.executor:ongoing ['/cws/src/org-b/BAAAA']
INFO:root:Line#2505: E                                   
INFO:root:Line#2506: .
INFO:root:Line#2507: DEBUG:vcstool.executor:finished '/cws/src/org-b/BAAAA'

INFO:root:Line#2508: === /cws/src/130s/reporepo (git) ===                                    
Could not determine ref type of version: fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
=== /cws/src/org-b/BAAAA (git) ===
Cloning into '.'...
Updating files: 100% (817/817), done.

INFO:root:Line#2509: {'code': 1, 'message': "The command '/bin/bash -c mkdir -p $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src && cd $WS_IN_CONTAINER && ls -lth $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src && vcs import --debug --skip-existing $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src < $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src/cws.repos' returned a non-zero code: 1"}
INFO:root:Line#2510: The command '/bin/bash -c mkdir -p $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src && cd $WS_IN_CONTAINER && ls -lth $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src && vcs import --debug --skip-existing $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src < $WS_IN_CONTAINER/src/cws.repos' returned a non-zero code: 1
DEBUG:root:'docker build' is complete. Log: None

Not sure if related but 130s/reporepo is a non-public repo.

130s commented 1 year ago

I'd say duplicate of