NYT: The Best Robot Vacuums, viewed 2024/02/11. Apparently the article was updated a few days prior following the cancellation of iRobot's merger with Amazon and 30% layoff.
iRobot: NYT article added/updated "Why we don’t currently recommend vacuums from iRobot" section with downgraded evaluation on all lineups from iRobot.
I've been loyal to iRobot regarding robotic vacuum cleaner (as they pioneered the domain. I even did some small work for them. Also the long time contribution to the world of OSS robotics with their Create (ROS2). That said, combined with NYT's review, their potential failure in R&D (backed with Robot Report's recent post), I'll hold my love for iRobot for now.
seems very viable option. It comes with many features that I want. Caveat sounds like questionable inconsistent customer support and replacement
Big question for security: It's a "Chinese manufacturer + Cloud" combo, which many people incl. me are concerned in home automation community.
Product research for https://github.com/130s/30y-130s_life/issues/1492