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Create tutorial for Brickout #3

Open kion-dgl opened 6 months ago

kion-dgl commented 6 months ago

With making an SDL version of Brickout, we're going to be revisiting this tutorial from a more story driven approach. We have updated assets to work with and we need to start making a proof of concept to plan out each of the steps as we go.

Table of Contents: Creating a Brickout Clone with C, SDL, and OpenGL on Raspberry Pi

Step 1: Setting Up the Development Environment

Step 2: Configuring SDL and OpenGL

Step 3: Creating the Title Screen

Step 4: Implementing the Game Loop

Step 5: Building the Paddle

Step 6: Spawning the Ball

Step 7: Designing the Bricks

Step 8: Handling Collisions

Step 9: Adding Scoring and Lives

Step 10: Implementing Game Over

Step 11: Adding Power-Ups (Optional)

Step 12: Creating a Success Screen (Optional)

Step 13: Sound and Music (Optional)

Step 14: Optimizing for Raspberry Pi

Step 15: Final Testing and Deployment

kion-dgl commented 6 months ago

Step 1

To set up your development environment for creating a Brickout clone with C, SDL, and OpenGL on the Raspberry Pi, you'll need to install the necessary tools and libraries. Use the following apt-get commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt-get install libglm-dev
sudo apt-get install libgles2-mesa-dev


  1. build-essential: Installs essential development tools, including compilers and make.
  2. cmake: Provides a cross-platform build system needed for some SDL and OpenGL projects.
  3. libsdl2-dev: Installs the SDL 2 development libraries.
  4. libglm-dev: Installs the OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library for OpenGL development.
  5. libgles2-mesa-dev: Installs the OpenGL ES 2.0 development libraries.

After running these commands, your development environment should be equipped with the necessary tools and libraries to start building the Brickout clone on your Raspberry Pi.

kion-dgl commented 6 months ago

Aslo, might as well throw in the sketches for this. Credit to @RibbyGame for the art.





kion-dgl commented 5 months ago