kipply / First-Pull-Request

To help people make easy pull requests
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add a comment (java) #40

Open kipply opened 7 years ago

kipply commented 7 years ago

Just write some sort of comment in java

Vahrimain commented 7 years ago

// this is a comment

kenchen002 commented 7 years ago

//this is also a comment

chesyrin commented 7 years ago

Okay Im adding okay comment

Candygirl1404 commented 7 years ago

//I like dumplings

MarkYHZhang commented 7 years ago

I'm gonna add a comment

freegamenocomplain commented 7 years ago

/* Stalin: hi hitler i got a joke hitler: what stalin: stalingrad hitler: i didnt get it stalin: exactly */

96673156 commented 7 years ago


ghost commented 7 years ago

Adding Comment

siyaochen commented 7 years ago

Comments are difficult.

Aaaaaaa3 commented 7 years ago

Adding comment

ghost commented 7 years ago

i will add a comment

victorchen01 commented 7 years ago

//how do you add comment?

siyaochen commented 7 years ago

Mark is god again again

MarkYHZhang commented 7 years ago

I will be adding comment