kir4h / rvault

Small tool to perform some recursive operations on Hashicorp's Vault KV
MIT License
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No secrets found #3

Closed ikauzak closed 3 years ago

ikauzak commented 3 years ago

Hey there. Tried to use the rvaul list secret -p appgo , but it is not finding any secret in there.

So i tried to debug it a little bit and it seems that it is hitting the secret/metadata/appgo endpoint... and the correct one should be appgo/metadata, since my root kv name is appgo...

rvault list secret -k 2 -p appgo  -v=0 -v 5
I0901 07:43:38.892336  698249 kv.go:77] Using kv version '2' for engine 'secret'
I0901 07:43:38.892423  698249 list.go:35] Listing for secret/metadata/appgo/
I0901 07:43:39.165269  698249 list.go:48] No secrets found for path appgo

Got the right endpoint by using the vault -output-curl-string.

vault kv list -output-curl-string appgo
curl -H "X-Vault-Request: true" -H "X-Vault-Token: $(vault print token)" https://${VAULT_ADDR}/v1/appgo/metadata?list=true

Think i am using the lastest version:

rvault --version
rvault version 0.2.1 
Commit: 5e6163d
Date: 2020-07-28T17:21:50Z

Thanks for the help.

ikauzak commented 3 years ago

Nevermind, just figured out that i should have used the right syntax:

rvault list appgo
kir4h commented 3 years ago

Nevermind, just figured out that i should have used the right syntax:

rvault list appgo

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't get notified by Github (I'll check my settings, I assumed I would get a notification on new issues).

Yup, thing there is that the mandatory argument is the name of the engine (secret is the default one), so you should use appgo in your scenario as you finally did :)