kiranshila / Doplarr

An *arr request bot for Discord
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Arm64 docker support #137

Closed AvihaiZiv closed 2 months ago

AvihaiZiv commented 2 months ago

Hello, As straight forward as it sound, can you please build arm64 images for doplarr? Its perfect to run on my raspberrypi and i can't because of that(at least not with docker). Thanks!!!

kiranshila commented 2 months ago

I believe has an arm64 version, but the project is just a single jarfile, which can run anywhere you can run java. So, you can either just run the jar directly, use the lsio image, or modify my dockerfile to use an arm64 base image. I don't really want to provide one as I have no way to test it, so you'd be better off using someone else's.

kiranshila commented 2 months ago

PRs welcome, of course, if you manage to get something that works!

AvihaiZiv commented 2 months ago

Sure, ill experiment a bit, never used clojure though, i am not even sure how to build a jar out of this how do you build it?

kiranshila commented 2 months ago

That’s the thing, you don’t need to rebuild it. The jar is platform agnostic.

AvihaiZiv commented 2 months ago

Oh i know that i can just grab the jar, but there is no fun in that I might as well build it in docker itself as a multi-stage build, ( so i will appreciate to know how you build the jar, thanks :)

kiranshila commented 2 months ago

clojure -T:build uber

AvihaiZiv commented 2 months ago
