kiranvshah / little-man-computer

CS A level coursework
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all instructions need to be able to be given labels #12

Open kiranvshah opened 3 days ago

kiranvshah commented 3 days ago

see, especially the examples beneath. like how you can write label DAT 001, you also need to be able to write label INP, for example this is much like what i did in my prototype of assembly validation. i wonder if some of that logic could be reused for the assembly compilation algorithm (which needs updating) at the moment, branches can only lead to variables created with DAT - which are not instructions so this will not work

kiranvshah commented 3 days ago

example from wikipedia:

     OUT      // Initialize output 
LOOP BRZ QUIT // Label this memory address as LOOP. If the accumulator value is 0, jump to the memory address labeled
              // QUIT
     SUB ONE  // Subtract the value stored at address ONE from the accumulator
     BRA LOOP // Jump (unconditionally) to the memory address labeled LOOP
QUIT HLT      // Label this memory address as QUIT
ONE  DAT 1    // Store the value 1 in this memory address, and label it ONE (variable declaration)
kiranvshah commented 3 days ago

realised this when writing tests for compilation algorithm