kirbydesign / designsystem

Kirby Design System
MIT License
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[BUG] Using range-slider in the kirby-page makes the vertical scrollbar disappear. #3169

Open tmb-jyskefinans-dk opened 1 year ago

tmb-jyskefinans-dk commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

When using the range slider in a kirby-page, and the vertical scroll bar is visible, it removes the .scroll-y class from the ion-content > main element. As a result, the default .inner-scroll style is applied, which sets overflow:hidden. This issue occurs when a page using the range slider has more vertical content, causing the click on the range indicator to flicker upon clicking.

Describe how to reproduce the bug

  1. Do a clean install of angular, and kirby with the default configuration.
  2. Modify the app.component.html with the following.
  <kirby-header title="Test" subtitle1="Some test">
    <kirby-range minLabel="Min label" maxLabel="Max label" [max]="100" [min]="1" [value]="25"></kirby-range>
    ... Additional data to make the window scrollbar visible.
  1. Run the application click the range slider
  2. See error -->

Which Kirby version was used?


What was the expected behavior?

If the scrollbar is visible due to long content, it should not remove the scrollbar upon clicking the range slider. The overflow-y : auto style is applied to the scroll-y class of the main element in the ion-content, and clicking the range slider removes that class.

Please complete the following information:


The following tasks should be carried out in sequence in order to follow the process of contributing correctly.


To make sure the bug is not intended behaviour; it should be verified by a member of team Kirby before moving on to implementation.


The contributor who wants to implement this issue should:


Once the issue has been implemented and is ready for review:

tspringborg commented 7 months ago

This is in ionic:

tspringborg commented 7 months ago

Here's how we solved it with an ugly hack.

public toggleIonicOverflowHack(enable: boolean) {
    const id = 'ionic-overflow-hack';
    let sheet = document.querySelector(`#${id}`);
    if (enable) {
      if (!sheet) {
        sheet = document.createElement('style'); = id;
        sheet.innerHTML = `
          ion-content::part(scroll) {
            overflow-y: auto !important;
    } else if (sheet) {
tmb-jyskefinans-dk commented 7 months ago

Did something similar. the issue on ionic has been there a long time sadly...