kirichkov / home_assistant-ble

Companion application for home-assistant, sending bluetooth low energy detection
21 stars 4 forks source link

issue #3: disable http compression to work around ruby Net::HTTP issues. #13

Open kb5zuy opened 5 years ago

kb5zuy commented 5 years ago

I'm running this on a RaspberryPI 3B with ruby 2.3.0. I had the same or similar issue; crash when receiving the response from homeassistant. BTW, I'm running HA 0.85.1 on a RaspberryPI 3B. I suspected an issue with deflating the response from HA, so I forced the accept-encoding header to 'identity' to disable compressed responses. That fixed the issue and it's now working. I do not believe that home_assistant_ble will every be transferring huge amounts of data, so this is probably an acceptable change - until ruby is fixed.