kirides / GD3D11

D3D11-Renderer for Gothic and Gothic 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
200 stars 18 forks source link

Why are there positives on virustotal? #157

Closed ChillzzAtGITHUB closed 4 months ago

ChillzzAtGITHUB commented 4 months ago

The scan of the file:

kirides commented 4 months ago

Because the way the renderer works it hooks into a games code and overrides it in memory. That's exactly what a virus would do.

But that's a so called "false positive". The renderer does not steal any data or does any other malicious things.

At least not with code found in this repository and releases published on it.

Edit: of course Mc Afee (and some other less known tool) are the ones who falsely identify it.

Generally, if that site doesn ring alarm bells - by having the major tools show warnings - it's most likely nothing.

ChillzzAtGITHUB commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the fast answer :)