kirilkirkov / Ecommerce-CodeIgniter-Bootstrap

Responsive, Multi-Vendor, MultiLanguage Online Store Platform (shopping cart solution)
MIT License
1.26k stars 942 forks source link

Account #246

Closed Dodi-3009 closed 1 year ago

Dodi-3009 commented 1 year ago

hello, I'm trying to modify your project so that all users can log in and choose whether they are sellers or not in order to remember all their data at checkout, could you help me do this, because I'm not really very expert but I tried to do a part by modifying the seller's part, if you want the modified site it is this: for anything do not hesitate to write to me, p.s. i modified your search/ lenguage toolbar and i think it's a bit cooler like that

kirilkirkov commented 1 year ago

Hello @Dodi-3009 you can use the second template - "greenlabel", there the login users functionalities is integrated and all orders by them are visible. You can easy save their payment details ,but should do it yourself, i will take not more than one hour to do it, but should have coding skills. Also you can easy move this functionality to the another templates just by copying few files and little html modification