kirillzyusko / react-native-wifi-p2p

Library that provide access for working with wi-fi direct (p2p) module in android.
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send Message is not working #15

Closed vamsig7 closed 4 years ago

vamsig7 commented 4 years ago

when i tried to use send message I am gettting error "Attemp to invoke virtual method ' java.lang.String' on anull object reference

kirillzyusko commented 4 years ago

Hi It seems, like here is an Exception:


I think groupOwnerAddress==null Did you follow these steps: ?

vamsig7 commented 4 years ago

Thanx for immediate reply I am pasting my results step wise 1.)log of create Group on server side Group created successfully! 2.)I connceted to that Group(same name as in Wifi Direct) 3.) got the getCOnnectionInfo at the client end {isGroupOwner:false,groupFOrmed:true:groupaddress {{}}} that group address column has an ip adress some thinng like 4.when use sendMessage after all this i got that error

Note:when I tried to get the connection Info in server side its showing groupowner as false and group for med as false though createGroup was sucessfull

kirillzyusko commented 4 years ago

After calling getConnectionInfo - do you see hostAddress field?

vamsig7 commented 4 years ago

{"groupFormed": false, "groupOwnerAddress": null, "isGroupOwner": false} ouput on server side . {isGroupOwner: false, groupFormed: true, groupOwnerAddress: {…}} isGroupOwner: false groupFormed: true groupOwnerAddress: {isLoopbackAddress: false, hostAddress: ""} on receiver side

kirillzyusko commented 4 years ago

@vamsig7 Could you please try to send a message from receiver side?

vamsig7 commented 4 years ago

I tried to log values with some delay on server side {"groupFormed": true, "groupOwnerAddress": {"hostAddress": "", "isLoopbackAddress": false}, "isGroupOwner": true} but got the same error i got in client side is repeated I can provide any Info you required

kirillzyusko commented 4 years ago

Have you tried to send a message from server to client? I see, that hostAddress is not null on server side => you shouldn't see error, that you described above. Do you still see it, even with sending a message from server to client?

vamsig7 commented 4 years ago

Yes I got the same error on the receiver side i.e server to client

kirillzyusko commented 4 years ago

It's weird! What can I suggest - try to modify native Java code (merely add System.out.println) and via adb logcat see, how varibles are changing. I assume, there might be some kind of race condition... However, on my devices everything worked fine. I could send messages/files. I think I can not help you directly, since I don't have an access to your devices. Just look at these lines: 1 - - here you receive an object with hostAddress and save it in class variable 2 - - here you use this saved object (but it's null and you get an error) 3 - - as an option look here. Maybe it will be a cause of a race condition I hope I helped you a little bit :) I'm so sorry. I really would like to help you, but I don't have second device - so I can't.

vamsig7 commented 4 years ago

ok fine Will try to work aroung with Java and update here if it works

kirillzyusko commented 4 years ago

@vamsig7 any updates? :)

kirillzyusko commented 4 years ago

Closed due to inactivity.