kirillzyusko / react-native-wifi-p2p

Library that provide access for working with wi-fi direct (p2p) module in android.
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getAvailablePeers always returns empty array #4

Closed io-pan closed 5 years ago

io-pan commented 5 years ago

1st: thanks for that awesome repo.

I tested it on my galaxy S6 (android 7.0) and also on S9 (android 8.0). I'am running the same code on both phones. Everything works fine on S6, it detects my wifi-printer, but on S9 getAvailablePeers always returns an empty array.

Any idea why ?

kirillzyusko commented 5 years ago

@io-pan First of all I would like to recommend trying to detect S6 from S9 and S9 from S6 (without wifi-printer). These devices support WiFi direct mode, so you can try to enable this mode on one device, and try to find from another. And then switch role. Also I don't recommend using getAvailablePeers, since I added this method as temporary. Best approach for detecting devices is using subscription methods, like subscribeOnPeersUpdates. Callback, that passes into this methos will always call, when info about available peers has changed. I know, that it works with delay, but it's not my blame. I've only written bridge between native code and JS. And in fact, yes, I've also faced with this problem. I have Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro (android 8.1) and Prestigio 4500T (android 4.2). And 4500T can see Note 5 Pro, but on Note 5 Pro I can't see my 4500T. And I don't know a reason of such behaviour.

rolandjitsu commented 5 years ago

@kirillzyusko I am having the same problem ... Subscriptions also give me an empty list of devices. Running on an Google Pixel 3, latest Android.

kirillzyusko commented 5 years ago

@rolandjitsu What is the second device, which you are trying to find? Are you sure, that WiFi direct mode is enabled on both devices?

rolandjitsu commented 5 years ago

The second device is a Raspberry Pi 3 configured using wpa_supplicant. Using Android's Wifi Direct search (it's in the phone's settings) I can see the device.

This libs is discovering but it doesn't show me the devices.

kirillzyusko commented 5 years ago

@rolandjitsu I got it. You know I have faced with the same problem. When I have been testing my library, I've found, that I could detect my new phone from my old, but not vice versa. And from Android settings I was able to see, and there everything worked as expected. To be honest I don't know why it happened. And also I don't know even reason. Maybe I did a mistake in my code. But I don't so think, since I just copied official documentation and pasted it. And during my testing I thought it is only my specific problem. But you are not the first user, who reported me similar issue. Really I don't know even a cause of such behaviour. And I think, unfortunately, I can't help here :(

rolandjitsu commented 5 years ago

No worries. I might not be able to use WiFi Direct for what I'm trying to do anyway. But thanks for trying to help.