kirk24788 / KPS

Karnofsky Performance System
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@htordeux, couple questions #72

Open blackcardi opened 7 years ago

blackcardi commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to update my KPS with your priest updates without KPS being updated? Also is it difficult to update the spells list for a class? If not, can you post guide on how to do so? I am pretty good at keeping my rotations updated myself but that's as much as I can do. Sure would like to be able to add spells to the spells list to help with this.

htordeux commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to update my KPS with your priest updates without KPS being updated? no, I've added new fcts in kps.env.heal to writemy holy rotation

can you post guide on how to do so hoho ^_^ you can install bbedit or textwrangler( free) and compare the KPS with an updated KPS . Right now I am playing TOS in heroic and the holy rotation works well it was just updated at except when an unit has a boss debuff like "Spear of Anguish" on Desolate Host . in these case I play manually on mouseover

htordeux commented 7 years ago

e.g if I want to cast serenity on a healing absorbtion debuff {spells.holyWordSerenity, 'heal.hasAbsorptionDebuff ~= nil' , kps.heal.hasAbsorptionDebuff },

in spells.lua , I add

kps.spells.absorptionDebuff = {}
kps.spells.absorptionDebuff.spearOfAnguish = kps.Spell.fromId(235933) -- Spear of Anguish
kps.spells.absorptionDebuff.EmbraceOfTheEclipse = kps.Spell.fromId(233263) -- Embrace of the Eclipse

in unit_auras.lua I add

@function `<UNIT>.absorptionDebuff` - returns true if the unit has a Healing Absorption Debuff
function Unit.absorptionDebuff(self)
    for _,spell in pairs(kps.spells.absorptionDebuff) do
        if self.hasDebuff(spell) then return true end
    return false

in heal.lua I add

local healAbsorptionDebuff = function(spell)
    for name, unit in pairs(raidStatus) do
        if unit.isHealable and unit.absorptionDebuff then return unit end
    return nil

kps.RaidStatus.prototype.hasAbsorptionDebuff = kps.utils.cachedValue(function()
    return healAbsorptionDebuff
blackcardi commented 7 years ago

Hey thanks for the reply. Unfortunately KPS is no longer compatible with the LUA unlocker I have been using so I am looking for a different combat rotation mod. The others I have tried can not compete with KPS. I can only hope that KPS will again work for me someday.

htordeux commented 7 years ago

an unlocker disable the protection for the protected lua fct castspellbyname. a rotation addon ( jps, hps, PE engine) can be used with any unlockers.

blackcardi commented 7 years ago

Well, that's what I thought. KPS worked on Thursday, but did not work on Monday. To see if it was the unlocker not working, I loaded Bad Rotations and it worked with no errors using the same unlocker. That lead me to believe it was KPS that was conflicting somewhere. I am very puzzled. I am not a programmer and my only experience with it is editing premade JPS/KPS rotations. My ability to troubleshoot these issues is next to nil.