kirkbushell / eloquence

A drop-in library for certain database functionality in Laravel, that allows for extra features that may never make it into the main project.
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Support eloquent casts when using Camelcasing #100

Closed mikebronner closed 5 months ago

mikebronner commented 2 years ago

When trying to access data in json attributes in models, Livewire is unable to access the snake-case format, which makes it problematic if you are in a transition period between moving from snake_case to camelCase.

I haven't dug into this yet to see how Livewire accesses model properties, but I'll try and give it a go and submit a PR if I can.

kirkbushell commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Mike. It shouldn't be an issue. Accessing attributes on Eloquence models converts all calls to attributes to snake_case when it tries to access an attribute. It doesn't maintain its own internal casing, so it's a weird bug. If you can find out more info, that'd be great (also a big livewire fan).

mikebronner commented 2 years ago

A bit more context:

Livewire validations:

    protected function rules(): array
        return [
            "paymentProcessGroup.processor_settings.authorize-dot-net-login-id" => "string|nullable",

For it to work, it must be written in camel case:

    protected function rules(): array
        return [
            "paymentProcessGroup.processorSettings.authorize-dot-net-login-id" => "string|nullable",

Here's a snippet of the model (it inherits the camel-casing trat from a parent model)

class PaymentProcessGroup
    protected $casts = [
        "processor_settings" => "array",

Maybe this will help ring a bell?

mikebronner commented 2 years ago

@kirkbushell Diving into Livewire's validation code, it appears they convert everything that gets validated to arrays by calling toArray() on models and collections. The CamelCase trait exposes only the camel-cased properties. Would it be a bad thing to expose both the snake-cased as well as the camel-cased properties via toArray() or would that cause issues?

I mean, it would probably mess with anyone trying to iterate over the array, so not quite sure what the best solution is here? What do you think?

kirkbushell commented 2 years ago

@mikebronner Have you tried doing the casting as a camelCase value instead?

The point of the camelCase trait is to use camelCasing wherever you're working with model fields.

mikebronner commented 2 years ago

I didn't ... do you write all your fillable, casts, etc. in camel-case? I didn't realize that the camel casing trait would allow for that.

kirkbushell commented 2 years ago

I didn't ... do you write all your fillable, casts, etc. in camel-case? I didn't realize that the camel casing trait would allow for that.

You shouldn't have to, the point of the library is to convert to-from snake_case, as this is the default mode when reading from the database. I was asking in case maybe that resolved it :)

More than likely I need to add better support for casts.

kirkbushell commented 10 months ago

@mikebronner right, gonna properly support casts in 11.0.

kirkbushell commented 5 months ago

@mikebronner should now be fully supported in v11.