kirkhunter / linkedin-jobs-scraper

Scrape LinkedIn job postings using Selenium WebDriver with python bindings
MIT License
187 stars 78 forks source link

What is the policy of linkedin regarding data scraping? #2

Open guilhermecgs opened 7 years ago

guilhermecgs commented 7 years ago

Is the use of this code allowed by linkedin?

kirkhunter commented 7 years ago

Here's their policy on web scraping:

guilhermecgs commented 7 years ago


i will not use this code... :-(

devnull-hub commented 2 years ago

I know this is old, but I found this project interesting. This is an update as it right now the legal precedent matters and LinkedIn lost this through the appeals court ruling. The appeals court ruled that web scraping or automatically extracting information from websites and storing it for later use is legal. Article: Ironic as most big tech firms use web scraping for their business model then makes rules for thee and not me.