kirstyflower / 2019BMB-STAT5

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R console crashing (exercise 20) - fix #1

Closed shoninouye closed 5 years ago

shoninouye commented 5 years ago

Hi @kirstyflower,

I was informed that you had some problems with error messages in exercise 20 of this course:

User first comment: " In section 20, "ANOVA" of this course, between steps 4 and 5, the R console crashes and gives the error:

Oops, something went wrong. If the problem persists, please report an issue.

refreshing does not fix this. I am not sure what I have done wrong, perhaps something in the SCT on the previous question?


Exercise 20 (ANOVA) is a sequential exercise, and variables are not saved in-between steps of sequential exercises. So in step 5, we try to call TukeyHSD(ANOVA1) when ANOVA1 is not available for that step.

To solve this, the code to create ANOVA1 can be added to the Pre-Exercise Code for this exercise OR be added to the sample/solution code in this step:

# Perform ANOVA using the function aov(data~category) 
ANOVA1 <- aov(walk$speed~walk$treatment)

# Run a Tukey test using TukeyHSD()


Also, I noticed from the build log that chapter 1 exercise 9 uses check_arg(., "x") in the SCT section when it should most likely be check_arg(., "formula"): datacamp_-_course_overview

kirstyflower commented 5 years ago

Hi! Thank you so much! My apologies for such a basic mistake. Thanks for your help. Kirsty

shoninouye commented 5 years ago

No need to apologize! You're welcome!