Great work! Another suggestion is to use valid markup on the test page:
Just a few easy changes are needed:
1. Add an alt attribute to images.
2. Blockquotes are required to contain only block elements. For example,
enclose the text in p tags.
Here's an example (unless the wiki sheds html elements):
<img src="test.jpg" class="pull-1 top" alt="test image." />
<p>Integer cursus ornare mauris. Praesent nisl arcu, imperdiet eu, ornare
id, scelerisque ut, nunc. Praesent sagittis erat sed velit tempus
imperdiet. Ut tristique, ante in interdum hendrerit, erat enim faucibus
felis, quis rutrum mauris lorem quis sem.</p>
<p>Vestibulum ligula nisi, mattis nec, posuere et, blandit eu, ligula. Nam
suscipit placerat odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Pellentesque tortor libero,
venenatis vitae, rhoncus eu, placerat ut, mi. Nulla nulla.</p>
Original issue reported on by on 6 Aug 2007 at 9:04
Original issue reported on by
on 6 Aug 2007 at 9:04